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August 8th Disasters - The other story

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Did you guys notice all the peeps in violation that night ? People with out head lights, no flags, no helmets, whats this place coming to.... :ah:

Thanks to BLM and their arbitrary enforcement efforts of only issuing "some" citations and mostly warnings, most duners got away with no fines :blah: . If it wasent for them I think someone would of been injured. Yeah they were out there rocking their new Jeep but hey, if I had a new jeep, Id be doing the same thing. The road coming in was great, vibrated my rear view mirror off :idiot:

Thanks to all the yahoo's who were not in compliance, forced BLM to do their jobs and add to their revenue stream, maybe paved road next season ? :beercheers:


And to those who said the only people who litter were :dunno: I can proove thats not true .... WE RECYCLE!!! Come to my back yard for shopping carts full of proof.....


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About friggin time lol ... I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get motivated :idiot::lol:

My wife was pulled over for no headlights (with her cousin in the passengers seat)

Officer looked at the 5 point hanesses... looked at my wife and her cousin and after he was done starring at there boobs told them to have a nice night :beercheers:

Maybe everyone else was the wrong gender lol :blonde:


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OMG you just painted a picture ... haaa... do you have a beer belly lol :beercheers:


LoL.... I think im taller laying down.... :ah: :foshizz:

I try to tell my wife ive noticed my stomach going down with beer.... To bad its to my knees :idiot:

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LoL.... I think im taller laying down.... :ah: :foshizz:

I try to tell my wife ive noticed my stomach going down with beer.... To bad its to my knees :idiot:


I just noticed you are in Apple Valley... going there either tomorrow or sat to see my little Buddy Bob

Gots to work on the buggy :beercheers:


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Sooo "low" cut chest protector and some of those shorts the prego chick was rockin in vegas....


Dang mang, have to work tomorow if not id go help ya guys with anything you needed.

capt dresses like that all the time :beercheers:

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LoL Capt in some :think: shorts and a backwards banana hamock.. :think:

Drink night sounds good, maybe we have one at Dumont ??? :laughing::banghead:

I already have those cloths but I hold off on using them for those special moments we do the dress up thing at dumont.. no one seems to notice lol.. as for the DRINKS... thats every time we visit the D...


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Well, I keep encouraging all of you to not be in compliance of the law, that way BLM has fun doing their jobs instead of watching us having fun safely at the dunes, and like I said, by doing so, you support the paved road project at Dumont, so keep on truggin :beercheers:

Probably right now, the dry toilets at Dumont are in the conditions of Revolution Blvd. in Tijuana, so I commend the :lol: who is responsible for getting rid of the good hosts who just were helping them out, nice way to return the favor. :fly:

OK OK.... Ill stop.... Dammmmm,

IS IT OCTOBER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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