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From your experience, what's the most or best pressure to air down My G.Y. All Terrains

Free Agent

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At Oregons Sand Dunes a guy came up to us in the parking lot.

His new F350 HD trans failed him and he asked for a tow off the sand so he can then get it tow'd to his work, a Ford Dealer. He's a Master mechanic we're told, but that's another thread.

I aired down to where the tires bulged and it was a fairly simple, close-by, flat sand pull-out.

How much can I really air these tires down to get the best sand results and not sweat (too much) popping the bead?

When helping folks (and myself) out, I'd like the get the best advantage in the sand I can.

Thanks for the takes.

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If I can't air back up myself or have to drive a while to get air I take the least amount out as needed... maybe down to 20-25. (just guessing I eyeball it) If I have to tow to go get air I won't go less than 40 ish.... My tires are rated D and are at 50 psi under tow......


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i useally air mine down to about 8 lbs never had any probs i run 35 in bfg"s. i learn air pressure was a big deal after burying my truck to the doors. hopefully that never happens again. but like i said never had issues at about 8 lbs at dumont. :dunno:

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