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First issue YFZ 450 Vs the new YFZ 450

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One of the kids is ready to move up to a 450 and we're considering giving him one of the older ones,, and replace it with a new FI YFZ 450.

Is their much difference in ride and performance?

The 2004 YFZ is just jetted and piped.

Thanks for any takes.

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Both are great bikes. The new one is obviously nicer and FI No Jetting. .They also have two versions of the new YFZ. Track and trail. one sits a little higher and a couple inches less in width. I am sure they are both good. If you can have both why not...Awesome bike.

Edited by Jakster884
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i have an R model, it's very well balanced. handles well in the air. soft on power compared to the ltr450, smooth powerband.

stock for stock it's stronger than the carbureted version, and handles much nicer. more travel, better geometry, better balance, smoother powerband. engine builders aren't getting alot of power out of the R model yet, the head design is giving them trouble. you'll get more power out of a carb'd version as of currently.

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