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and iam paying for it today...man am i sore, glad i had today off. It was rather interesting, iam used to open desert/Dunes....5th and pinned...not getting passed by everyone and then a hard turn into a jump.....BUT!!! iam going to do it again..that was a blast. Next time I go out I will have to take some better pics, my wife only got 2 pics of me last night and it was over a turd of a jump. So anyone who has a 2 wheeler, and you want to go. Hit me up

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hey cole when are you going out next i would like to tag along and see how things work.. and possibly break my neck.. cuz i really dont want to come to work for a while.. :D

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hey cole when are you going out next i would like to tag along and see how things work.. and possibly break my neck.. cuz i really dont want to come to work for a while.. :D

yeah no problem, it honestly took me about 5 laps to start getting used to it, and after that i started to really get into it,your more than welcome to ride out with me.

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