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Prayers needed!


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I have a salesman here at our shop that I have known sense 3rd grade.. He caught the flu about 2 weeks ago and finally went to the doctor last fri they gave him some pills and sent him home. Went too the family doctor yesterday and he sent him to emergency room with pneumonia. He has pneumonia in both lungs and the flu that he has is really bad... High fatality rate...

He will need 7 weeks of breathing therapy in the ICU and the doctor said that the pneumonia is not an issue as compared to the flue he has..

He has been a friend for a long time and He needs all the prayer he can get



Edited by CaptNkllm
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Capt, those are the exact symtomps and why the H1N1 flu is so dangerous because it results in pnemonia. Whats first name? he will be in our prayers, please let us know how it goes. GET VACCINATED, my kido's are done just waiting for them to let me and the wifey get it.

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He is in a medically induced coma right now... temps are at 103 with an IV.... had him on Ice packs to bring the fever down. Time will tell.. Did I mention he is 36 yrs old? Wow... unbelievable.... I am optimistic on is recovery and think he will be ok with a little time..


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  CaptNkllm said:

He is in a medically induced coma right now... temps are at 103 with an IV.... had him on Ice packs to bring the fever down. Time will tell.. Did I mention he is 36 yrs old? Wow... unbelievable.... I am optimistic on is recovery and think he will be ok with a little time..


circumstances like this certainly show us all how fragile we are no matter how tough we think we are. ahh, it's just a cold just doesn't fly anymore. If you're not careful - your hospitalized.

Don't take chances & don't take your life for granted. I've actually stopped shaking hands with people I'm getting so paranoid. I'm not Howie Mandel yet though.

Our prayers to Dallas and his family.

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Dallas has a wife of about 5yrs a 3 yr old son with her. 2 older kids (16 to 19) and he takes care of his wifes son also

He is a very hard worker a straight up guy and a person of his word... which is rare these days. He was raised like me that a handshake is all you need.

He is a very vibrant person and fun to be around 24hrs a day lol he has like 5 brothers and many many friends and extended family.

I love him like a brother... will post up as we here any news.

A big thanks to all that are Praying I am confident in my God...cause his Mercy endureth Forever...


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I am sorry to hear about your friend. Although I am not a religious person, I hope Dallas make a speedy and full recovery. I do belive in the power of talking to a person and just being there. Although he is in a coma his body is still functioning and his brain might be able to hear those that love him and give him that extra drive to pull through this.

If I can help out in any way just let me know.


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That's scary! I've heard this thing is BAD. Last week I was flying back and forth to Chicago and got stuck next to someone coughing on both flights! Some people were wearing masks.

We lost my dad suddenly to pneumonia 2 years ago. It makes you realize how precious our lives and our loved ones' lives are. Makes you appreciate each day!

I hope your friend Dallas makes it through with a full recovery. Hopefully, his youth will work in his favor. I'll keep good thoughts for him. Take care.

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Just made it home from visiting him for a couple hours.. he hasnt really changed but his fever has dropped 1 degree and they said it will take a few days for the meds to work..they said they had a 21 yr old come in to the hospital in worse shape than Dallas and he took 20 days of resperatory thearapy and IV meds to kick it and the guy just woke up and everything just cleared out.... so as it sits now.. .as long as he isnt getting worse I feel he is going to be ok.. stable and he has a cooling blanket on him to cool him down... So far so good


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