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Poker Run Trip Reports


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Junior and crew!


Thanks for the pic jodi of me & the group :ahhhhh: from left to right you have jorgeloco,myself,oscar & gilbert,so every one could stop us & say :booty: wen ever anyone spot us @ dumont......man i had a blast....one again jodi it was a plesure meeting you :ahhhhh:

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  jr1208 said:

also meet mike @ mistery spot & jodi @ the regs both....great meeting you both :ahhhhh: .... jodi hope you like the ride on the quad even though my kick start was harder :booty:.....see you all @ :ahhhhh: weekend

Yes thanks!! It gave me something to look forward to doing to mine!! Thanks for letting me take her for a spin! time to start saving! I think the next upgrade will be the stablizers!! It was great meeting you and Jorge and your group! :booty:

And where do I get those spikes???

Edited by sand chick
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  sand chick said:

Yes thanks!! It gave me something to look forward to doing to mine!! Thanks for letting me take her for a spin! time to start saving! I think the next upgrade will be the stablizers!! It was great meeting you and Jorge and your group! :booty:

And where do I get those spikes???

don't worry about the spikes ill take you one on :ahhhhh: weekend its on me :ahhhhh: ...

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  dunefreak said:

ohhh ok. We waved regardless but couldn't see who it was from the distance between us. Anna said who was that. I was like I dunno but they waved at us. :booty::D:booty: :ahhhhh:

Hahaha nice. Ya we saw a bunch of you guys take off must of been right after the poker run, followed for a little, New car looked sweet. :ahhhhh:

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Urkel (Eric) let me drive OUR Buckshot this trip! It was a blast! Thanks Pete and Joe for taking me on some really fun runs!! Ok, I'm addicted.... I want my very own car now!! All I need is $$. I guess it will be a while.


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well here are a couple pics from the weekend

rolled in around 730 friday mornin like ISBB was sayin, he had claimed before we left that "he got dibs on the couch" he was right.


we got all set up, after a brief "this is the spot" discussion, and headed out to get some sand in our teeth.......after ISBB worked up quite a sweat tryin to start the 500.......he decided to take the xr instead. so off we went. the 500 finally came around after some carb tuning, got a couple shots of him flight testing it.



got a few picks of the wife (ninjagreengirl) , playin around. her confidence level is increasing, shes getting there!




we went back to camp to get some lunch and wait for the "freak" and the "monkie" to arrive, and to see how long it would take from the truck into park, to the new toy going into 1st! (didnt take much time!)

gettin ready to head out for a run on friday sundown.


of course saturday was the poker run and it was great, Julie, Jodi and Terry were posted up at the registration booth, so after i made the run i headed back and hung out with them for a while. Didnt here any complaints ofr negative comments about anything, which was awesome! only the occasional "where the hell is the mystery spot!!!??" followed by a smile! so it seemed like everyone loved it. :headbang1: to Anna for the mystery checkpoint! it was a hit!

Jodi at registration tent saturday mornin.


this gentleman won a fabulous pink tank top, and apparently Anna had a little "captain in her"


this is a pick of the turnout just before anouncing the winners


saturday night pic....vegas style showin off his...........ummm...vegas style!


all in all it was a great weekend! had a great time.

thanks to everyone for the hospitality!

ISBB: thanks for the help, and the leftovers! as usual! lol

Pete and Anna: thanks for sharing your creepy wind-up trailer monkie with us! thanks for the laughs, and a great weekend! congrats again on the new toy!

Steve and Jack: thanks for toughin out the sandstorm with me!!

Jodi and Mike: thanks for the "screen" for the projector! Jodi thanks for the helmet and for puting up with my wife for hours!. you welcome for the tires too! glad i had them, sorry you needed them! lol anytime i have something to help out a fellow duner, i am glad to help!

Tim: good to see ya, cant wait to see the new 70's!

Joe: good to see ya, but next time please bring my favorite sand car! lol

Al: thanks for the great food and the secret "info"!

once again the weekend was a blast! always love meeting new people and hangin with friends!


cant wait for thanksgiving weekend now!

Edited by SKINNER
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wow...awesome pics SKINNER and Mike!!! Thank you! :yiah:

  yfzrider53 said:

Hahaha nice. Ya we saw a bunch of you guys take off must of been right after the poker run, followed for a little, New car looked sweet. :headbang1:

Thanks! :D

  mush said:

man i saw dunefreaks rail sliding outta a turn when we were duning it looks bad a$$!

sweet! thanks! :headbang1:

  Miss99 said:

Urkel (Eric) let me drive OUR Buckshot this trip! It was a blast! Thanks Pete and Joe for taking me on some really fun runs!! Ok, I'm addicted.... I want my very own car now!! All I need is $$. I guess it will be a while.


Karen, it was great seeing you guys again. It's been since last season! Can't wait to hook up for Tday. :beercheers:

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  jorgeloco said:

well it was a great one day trip for us....it start it with two nice morning runs then :shit_fan: jr's bike lost a bolt to his front suspension off to get it fix :dope: I did get the guys name that vail us out it was the welder accross the way from dog house props to you man he look and look until he found the right bolt and got us off runnig again thanks pal.........then my chain got really loose well back to camp and we took care of that got lunch from Al great food as always thanks Al.......we did the poker run I had lots of fun looking for the mistery spot who ever thought of that :headspin: oh yea finally meet anna.....after all of the poker run fetivities we got some more runs and we hooked with jodi at comp it was nice talking with you jodi......all and all it was a great day not a lot of carnage just some small essues...........too busy riding so as always no pics from me :headbang1: jr thanks for doing all the driving........ now i can wait to get back for :headspin: day i just want to ride :headbang1:

no worries about the drive jorge you drove halloween so now it was my turn :beercheers: man that was a blast well worth the drive...can't wait for thanksgiving :headspin: & get that big :booty: group ride :headbang1::headbang1:

Edited by jr1208
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  jr1208 said:

don't worry about the spikes ill take you one on :headspin: weekend its on me :headbang1: ...

AWEEEEESOME!!!!! :headbang1::headbang1:

Thanks! :headspin: I will have to make some cookies or something in trade!!

  SKINNER said:

Steve and Jack: thanks for toughin out the sandstorm with me!!

Jodi and Mike: thanks for the "screen" for the projector! Jodi thanks for the helmet and for puting up with my wife for hours!. you welcome for the tires too! glad i had them, sorry you needed them! lol anytime i have something to help out a fellow duner, i am glad to help!

cant wait for thanksgiving weekend now!

I think its the other way around.. you should be thanking her for putting up with me, especially after all that coffee... :headbang1: I was a spaz!! :headspin: She is good peeps, you both are!!

You guys out by the fire.. total die hards!

I can't believe us junkies were actually counting down the days til Thanksgiving while still at Dumont! :beercheers:

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I didn't take nearly as many as usual, but here are some pics from the cappy camera.

Fri afternoon before sun down. The first dune run with the new car. :headbang1:


monkie chillen on ISBB's CR500


the very first mystery spot visitors


monkie messin around in OGP's Teryx


Phil's famous dog :headbang1:


the pink tank top winner :headbang1: Super nice peeps. Great meeting you guys out at the mystery checkpoint. :beercheers:


The 1st place best hand winner! :headbang1:


2nd place winner (dune rat)


3rd place winner. Same as 1st. 1 Lucky guy!


worst hand, Jill


A stop at the north pole after poker run. :hatdance:


A few more to come...

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tooo short.

great little weekend rolled in friday evening enjoyed a little campfire fun then a good nights sleep. saturday nick and i maned the south camp area check point. was good to see everyone having fun with the run. we had a great view! after the poker run it was time for a dune run. had a great buggy ride with mike. then some more ALS BBQ you guys rock (sorry about the car). we had a great discussion about smoking meat and things that need to be deep fried! campfire was fun as usual but the high lite was the burning of the driftwood sculpture. then came the wind to clean the dunes for us to fk up sunday. jack justin and i toughed it out tell the firewood was gone and the food that goes round was done. sunday was the time to tear up the dunes pete lead a couple nice cruzing runs with a couple stops for photo shoots. was a awesome way to end a weekend. bring on t-day thanks mike and jodie for putting me up.

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  vegas style said:

thanks mike and jodie for putting me up.

No thanks needed, anytime! :beercheers:

I forgot about someone coming in and saying they were happy they found that mystry spot, cause they got a raffle ticket to win that beautiful Trick car....

I thought um... ok... :headbang1: but I didn't say anything, just thought it was funny :headbang1:

Great pics as always Pete... gotta love the swinging Razor, after he tried to go home with Steve, either that or steal his cookies! :headbang1:

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Well hell I had a great time even though I played MR Dad all weekend. Had my two girls and me. Arrived in Friday afternoon at about 6:30PM. :headbang1: Unloaded had a quite a few brewskys. :beercheers: Relaxed with the DDR Peeps as always I appreciate the hospitality.

Saturday morning Helped with what I could. Went over to the registration booth and me and the girls headed over to play the Poker run. Best we did was one card away form a stright. Had A ( 8-9-10-J-K )_ Oh well thats why we will be there for the next one. Got to do some duneing in the truck very calm duning. Made it every where except for the south pole. Had to make the run myself. :headspin:

Saturday night was a blast litterally. Myself, Steve and Justing sat by the fire hopeing the wind would die down. :headbang1: Well the only thing to die was our fire and we headed in for some Pizzaz and a nice shot of Patron. Crazy little Chihuaha you got there Sand Chick. The official Paper shredder. Mike good camping with ya also.

Sunday morining got one ride in without the Girls and basically called it a day. I can not wait for a nice long weekend at least three to four days and the wife will be there to do her job. :headbang1: :clown:

Hopefully I will make it out for Thanksgiving if not it will be the week after. :headbang1:

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Here are a few vids from the poker run weekend. I had some of the big group rides but they came out crappy.

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7675592&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7675592&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

mornig dune run</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2519241">Mike Geen</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7675940&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=7675940&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

morning dune run 2</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2519241">Mike Geen</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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  Go Raiders said:

Here are a few vids from the poker run weekend. I had some of the big group rides but they came out crappy.

Great videos Mike. Man those dunes were so nice and smooth. Those Sunday AM hangover cruises were nice and relaxing. :turkey:

  Danny said:

Looks like alot of fun.

PETE!! i'm so jealous of the new car! its badass!!! :beercheers:

Thanks Danny. Now buy my Busa!!! :turkey:

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had a great time! we were planning to go out there with about 10 people but that fell through. we made it out there with 4. but still tons of fun! cant wait til thanksgivin. ooo anna? ur one of the "judges" that witnessed my pops and uncle kiss the sand my dad was the one that got thrown off his bike leaving the mystery checkpoint, and my uncles was the one that got thrown off his quad tryn to help my dad. im the one that threw myself off my quad. theyr both ok jus ther egos r a lil hurt haha.

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