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any big motor or fast quads going out for prez


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well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone!!! what happened!!!


Hey Paul!! Didn't see ya out there?? Mike either?

Well, I just got a hot shower, some grub, and sitting here ready to eat some humble pie and Brag a little as well..?!?!?!?

First the weather was NICE!!! and sunny!!! Man did my bald head get sunburned!! :P We arrived about 8:00 am this morning,, went right to the hill as planned. Sand was wet and heavy but dried out nicely by noon or so... We started with tire selection and started running the hill. Made a few adjustments to the the NOS and felt we were ready?!?!?!? Now I have about 2 hr of video to go through of all the races. I'll post up as soon as I can,,,

Turbo Bruce showed up quite earily in a rhino ,I believe, and started asking about our bikes,, we spoke for a bit,, he then told me who he was,,,I didn't even know it was him?!?!/ : :coocoo:

We were buds right away.. However His bike was NOT 100% Lost first gear... But he ran us anyway and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is tough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We were on the NOS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, He beat us by about 2 bike lengths,,, We then ran him again later on and,,,,,, Little sting!!!,,,,,, He got us again by about 2 bike lengths ,,WITHOUT 1ST GEAR!!! :dayum: Bruce Hats off to ya and that Turbo monster!!!!! :beercheers: ,,, Video to follow

Now the really hard part.. I explained to Bruce that while he was off line and at the dunes I was pretty much left alone to Keyboard race and trash talk WITH the 2 strokes,,, especially,,,,,,,,,,you know who.......

Pegleg!!!! :rant_on:

Pegleg showed up a bit late,,2pm or so,,,Kurt finally lined up with him,,, NOS was on,,,,,,,It didn't go well for us :(

He got us 4 out of 4 races... 2-4 bikes lengths:( .. OK,,OK I know I'm in for it,,,, so let the trashing begin!!!!( Videos to follow)

Kurt and I did go over and shake his hand, he took us fair and square!!! He really is a good guy!!! We talked for a bit and we took some comfort finding out a few things about his bike... Motor cost about $8,000

he was running Methanol and his bike weighs about 250lbs...Kurt picked up the front end like it was a 70!!!

NICE GOING PEGLEG!!!! all I can say is""" It aint braggin mother F'er if you back it up""" and you did!!

Kurt did struggle launching our bikes ,,see the drag bikes are much narrower and our bikes didn't fit in the "tracks/ groves" at the starting point. Pretty difficult for Kurt,, but he made the best of it!! There was a guy there pulling a grid to smooth out the starting Groves/ruts,, so that did help Kurt out,, but he only smoothed things out twice .. GOOD JOB KURT!! I'M QUITE PROUD OF YOU AND YOUR RIDING SKILLS!!!!

That's the humble pie part. Now I'll bragg a bit... Kurt did beat every street bike quad out there,,, R1s, and another Gsxr WITHOUT THE NOS!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,except Bruce of course.

Kurt also beat,, or ran right with,,, a fair number of the drag shees !! (((( Videos to follow )))

We did not run BUSABOYS Busa quad He was having major performance troubles... Sorry buddy, good to meet you and your dad , cool lookin bike and DAMN THAT'S A BIG MOTOR!!! :driver:

Cory, that R1 bike is coming along , getting your exhaust finished and,with a few setup adjustments,,

I'm sure you'll run right with Kurt!! Jakester, good meeting you and all the rest of you DDR guys. ,sorry I can never remember names :coocoo:

WELL THAT'S IT!!! We are still quite pleased with the performance of our NOS/duner bikes


kurt and I did have a cool conversation on the way home about a pro stock, Gsxr 1000,NOS engine in a full on drag frame :dayum::headbang1:

Edited by Quadrockets
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Good meeting Bud and Kurt. Good hanging out for a while. I can say not a single 4 stroke came close to keeping up with the exception of Turbo bruce. Those raptors were trying like hell but you can only give them an A for Effort. Keep up the good work. :headbang1:

Them Damn Banshees are anoying to hear all damn day. Should have brought my ear plugs. The 4 strokes have the sound now they just need a little more power and less weight. :beercheers:

Here goes two more pages.

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Hey Bud we didn't make it out but I was with ya in spirit!!

The difference is you could now take that bike for a dune run. Would have loved to see it tho. Some of those shee's are wicked fast and light as hell.

Sorry this is Bud,,Quadrockets,, Kurt stays loged on and I forgot to log on as quadrockets :headbang1:

Thanks Paul,, Jakster

I,m working on getting the Videos up. After looking at about 70 races Kurt ran ,, with all the Shees and 4 strokes,,,, I'm PLEASENTLY SURPRIZED HOW WELL WE DID!!! My perspective was a bit off in favor of the competion..?!?!?!?.I'll be posting about 70 different passes Kurt made ,,,going to take a while, and you all can be the judges..


After that "GRIP" work out, can you even zip up your pants??? :DDRrocks::beercheers: GREAT JOB DUDE!! The Videos are cool and will show the truth,,,

Stay tuned

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Sorry this is Bud,,Quadrockets,, Kurt stays loged on and I forgot to log on as quadrockets :coocoo:

Thanks Paul,, Jakster

I,m working on getting the Videos up. After looking at about 70 races Kurt ran ,, with all the Shees and 4 strokes,,,, I'm PLEASENTLY SURPRIZED HOW WELL WE DID!!! My perspective was a bit off in favor of the competion..?!?!?!?.I'll be posting about 70 different passes Kurt made ,,,going to take a while, and you all can be the judges..


After that "GRIP" work out, can you even zip up your pants??? :coocoo::DDRrocks: GREAT JOB DUDE!! The Videos are cool and will show the truth,,,

Stay tuned

VIDEOS ARE UP AND RUNNING!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hope this works

OK I'VE DONE ENOUGH!!! :beercheers::headbang1:

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Sorry this is Bud,,Quadrockets,, Kurt stays loged on and I forgot to log on as quadrockets :headbang1:

Thanks Paul,, Jakster

I,m working on getting the Videos up. After looking at about 70 races Kurt ran ,, with all the Shees and 4 strokes,,,, I'm PLEASENTLY SURPRIZED HOW WELL WE DID!!! My perspective was a bit off in favor of the competion..?!?!?!?.I'll be posting about 70 different passes Kurt made ,,,going to take a while, and you all can be the judges..


After that "GRIP" work out, can you even zip up your pants??? :DDRrocks::beercheers: GREAT JOB DUDE!! The Videos are cool and will show the truth,,,

Stay tuned

You guys did okay. Next time tackle the big bikes.lol I clocked about every bike that was racing and the street bikes ran 67 to 69 and big banshees ran 78 to 81.

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VIDEOS ARE UP AND RUNNING!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hope this works

OK I'VE DONE ENOUGH!!! :beercheers::DDRrocks:

Right on thanks for the great vids, I have some good racing to post as well. weekend went good, buddie had to swap out his override on the tail gate, i lost my gas cap on the first run, and had a few tuning issues, still not just right. thank god we brought a spare gas tank and we swaped it out, the 14mill had a junk ignition, DAMN PVL ARRRGGGGG! thats just a few issues. Had a DAMN good time with all the homies! and whats this about a WEB site? I think im kinda lost? ANYWAYS, it was good to see SO MANY people out there....it was good to meet a few of you, I have to admit you "quad rockets" are all around cool bikes, float through the whoops perty damn good, and VERY competible with some "quick" drag bikes (no where did I mention FAST LOL) I think your on the right track of thoughts of a BUILT motor instead of forced induction. you might have something to brag about then :smoker: make shure you lighten it up and strech it out. run some staggered paddles. Just my thoughts Though, maybe I would like to see something new out there. lol. Your bikes are quality not just some hacked up 4poke. :blah:

this is one of the races between him and I.
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Them Damn Banshees are anoying to hear all damn day. They should have brought my ear plugs. The 4 strokes have the sound now they just need a little more power and less weight. :DDRrocks:

Here goes two more pages.

Here let me be the first one to get started on those 2 page's old man!!!!! I have had it with the comparisons implemented for those four strokes!

1. They are in no comparison with a 10mill twin! They're lucky if they beat a 4mill

2. Four strokes need a street bike motor to even compete with a 4mill that's setup right (fine tuned)

3. I'm not saying that four stokes are not bad a$$ bikes because they are! They just aren't even close to changing the name of that hill! That hill will always be banshee hill! WHAT bring it!!!!!

Now you can have a street bike motor, standard raptor/yfz's, or even racer edge honda four stroke it doesn't matter! They have no chance at beating a 4mill twin that's set up right. Pegleg just proved it!!!! Now to answer your complaint if you don't like the sound of 2strokes I suggest you find another hill to run!!!! You shouldn't stand by the hill if your sick of the sound of a "Banshee" which is the bike that named that hill!!! I love two stokes and four strokes but until four stroke draggers rule that hill (which they wont anytime soon) I'll be riding 2stokes!!!!!!!!! :smoker: :blah::ban-split::beercheers::banghead:

Edited by livetodrag
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Right on thanks for the great vids, I have some good racing to post as well. weekend went good, buddie had to swap out his override on the tail gate, i lost my gas cap on the first run, and had a few tuning issues, still not just right. thank god we brought a spare gas tank and we swaped it out, the 14mill had a junk ignition, DAMN PVL ARRRGGGGG! thats just a few issues. Had a DAMN good time with all the homies! and whats this about a WEB site? I think im kinda lost? ANYWAYS, it was good to see SO MANY people out there....it was good to meet a few of you, I have to admit you "quad rockets" are all around cool bikes, float through the whoops perty damn good, and VERY competible with some "quick" drag bikes (no where did I mention FAST LOL) I think your on the right track of thoughts of a BUILT motor instead of forced induction. you might have something to brag about then :beercheers: make shure you lighten it up and strech it out. run some staggered paddles. Just my thoughts Though, maybe I would like to see something new out there. lol. Your bikes are quality not just some hacked up 4poke. :DDRrocks:

this is one of the races between him and I


What's your real name?? You got Kurt pretty good on that start but what happened at the 2/3 point?? After that point Kurt made up some ground??

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Them Damn Banshees are anoying to hear all damn day. They should have brought my ear plugs. The 4 strokes have the sound now they just need a little more power and less weight. :smoker:

Here goes two more pages.

Here let me be the first one to get started on those 2 page's old man!!!!! I have had it with the comparisons implemented for those four strokes!

1. They are in no comparison with a 10mill twin! They're lucky if they beat a 4mill

2. Four strokes need a street bike motor to even compete with a 4mill that's setup right (fine tuned)

3. I'm not saying that four stokes are not bad a$$ bikes because they are! They just aren't even close to changing the name of that hill! That hill will always be banshee hill! WHAT bring it!!!!!

Now you can have a street bike motor, standard raptor/yfz's, or even racer edge honda four stroke it doesn't matter! They have no chance at beating a 4mill twin that's set up right. Pegleg just proved it!!!! Now to answer your complaint if you don't like the sound of 2strokes I suggest you find another hill to run!!!! You shouldn't stand by the hill if your sick of the sound of a "Banshee" which is the bike that named that hill!!! I love two stokes and four strokes but until four stroke draggers rule that hill (which they wont anytime soon) I'll be riding 2stokes!!!!!!!!! :blah::ban-split::banghead::DDRrocks::booty:

Good to meet you livetodrag!!! But hold on there little buddy!!! First off our bikes were NOT EVEN CLOSE to what power a Gsxr 1000 can produce. Our engines are all stock with a 40-45 hp shot of NOS ( Blue Bike)Yes 4 strokes need a 4 cylinder engine. due to the power stroke difference between a 2 and 4 stroke engine

The 2 stroke gained popularity because of it's power to weight ratio, simple design and how relatively INEXPENSIVE it is to get that power. Maybe not so inexpensive these days. Peglegs engine cost about $8,000 we were told ,,right??

Now let us put about $6,000 in our engines and $1,000 in the tranny,,,,,, I can buy a good used Gsxr1000 for about $1,000......,,,, that would put us at about the same cash out lay,,, do you really think we won't make up the ground we need ???? Not to mention a light weight, stretched drag frame!!!!???? We could do that ,,,and run race gas with a big shot of NOS or even run Meth like the Mini Sprints and you 2 stroke draggers do... WE COULD GAIN 50% OR MORE HP!!!!! FOR the same $$$$ as pegleg has in his engine!! I know,,I know,,,It's been tryed before With the busa.. and 1100s,,,,, With todays tech, and the power that can be gotten out of the Gsxr1000??? hp,,,,Tq ,,,, and VERY IMPORTANT,,, RPMs!!!???? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, See

you 2 strokes don't have too much room to grow in HP... we HAVE TONS OF ROOM TO GROW from what you,ve seen!!!! :hello: Hope you guys will be around next season,,,looks like we have the drag fever and a little project on our hands!! lol

Yes Jakester is right,,, them Banshees sound like A CRACK WHORE BEING RAPED BY A HYEEEEEEENA!! LOL :beercheers:


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Good to meet you livetodrag!!! But hold on there little buddy!!! First off our bikes were NOT EVEN CLOSE to what power a Gsxr 1000 can produce. Our engines are all stock with a 40-45 hp shot of NOS ( Blue Bike)Yes 4 strokes need a 4 cylinder engine. due to the power stroke difference between a 2 and 4 stroke engine

The 2 stroke gained popularity because of it's power to weight ratio, simple design and how relatively INEXPENSIVE it is to get that power. Maybe not so inexpensive these days. Peglegs engine cost about $8,000 we were told ,,right??

Now let us put about $6,000 in our engines and $1,000 in the tranny,,,,,, I can buy a good used Gsxr1000 for about $1,000......,,,, that would put us at about the same cash out lay,,, do you really think we won't make up the ground we need ???? Not to mention a light weight, stretched drag frame!!!!???? We could do that ,,,and run race gas with a big shot of NOS or even run Meth like the Mini Sprints and you 2 stroke draggers do... WE COULD GAIN 50% OR MORE HP!!!!! FOR the same $$$$ as pegleg has in his engine!! I know,,I know,,,It's been tryed before With the busa.. and 1100s,,,,, With todays tech, and the power that can be gotten out of the Gsxr1000??? hp,,,,Tq ,,,, and VERY IMPORTANT,,, RPMs!!!???? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, See

you 2 strokes don't have too much room to grow in HP... we HAVE TONS OF ROOM TO GROW from what you,ve seen!!!! :DDRrocks: Hope you guys will be around next season,,,looks like we have the drag fever and a little project on our hands!! lol

Yes Jakester is right,,, them Banshees sound like A CRACK WHORE BEING RAPED BY A HYEEEEEEENA!! LOL :beercheers:


Allright this thread is gonna get interesting again :D I don't know how peg has 8K in that motor... should be able to build that motor around the 3k range. There really isn't that much to a 4mm. Cylinders/head,crank,cut tranny,pistons,porting,lockout and carbs. Not even close to 8k. Tons of used parts to buy....can do a good 4mm pretty cheap.

Your guys bikes run good for what they are don't get me wrong.. but like I stated earlier in this thread, you should be able to beat the 4mm's but a even a good 4mm will beat you... proven I think. Yes you probably were catching peg towards the top, I also said before mph doesn't mean to much when it comes to street bikes.. cause it takes you so long to get there.

I'm glad you have the drag fever now.. the more the better. 2strokes are still growing in hp, every season they get faster. How come you guys didn't come out to play late in the day when the big bikes were running?

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Allright this thread is gonna get interesting again :D I don't know how peg has 8K in that motor... should be able to build that motor around the 3k range. There really isn't that much to a 4mm. Cylinders/head,crank,cut tranny,pistons,porting,lockout and carbs. Not even close to 8k. Tons of used parts to buy....can do a good 4mm pretty cheap.

Your guys bikes run good for what they are don't get me wrong.. but like I stated earlier in this thread, you should be able to beat the 4mm's but a even a good 4mm will beat you... proven I think. Yes you probably were catching peg towards the top, I also said before mph doesn't mean to much when it comes to street bikes.. cause it takes you so long to get there.

I'm glad you have the drag fever now.. the more the better. 2strokes are still growing in hp, every season they get faster. How come you guys didn't come out to play late in the day when the big bikes were running?

man 4 mill are slow i did my share of beating them 2 stroke with one hand behind my back 1st gear was broke the day before the bike was alot slower then it was had to start in 2 gear all day but it was all fun it is funning that all the 4 cylinder quads are stock motors and all the banshee are built do remimber that if some one did not put a street bike motor in a quad you would not have a banshee the motor in a banshee was a street bike motor befor it was a quad motor rd 350 and rz350 wow then you have to build it to go any were

Edited by turbo_bruce
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man 4 mill are slow i did my share of beating them 2 stroke with one hand behind my back 1 gear was broke the day before the bike was alot slower then it was had to start in 2 gear all day but it was all fun it is funning that all the 4 cylinder quads are stock motors and all the banshee are build do remimber that if some did not put a street bike motor in a quad you would not have a banshee the motor in a banshee was a street bike motor befor it was a quad motor rd 350 and rz350 wow then you have to build it to go any were

I don't know how you 4 stroke guys can even :beercheers:.You could not beat the 4 mils.

You guys will never be faster than the 2 strokes.

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Allright this thread is gonna get interesting again :D I don't know how peg has 8K in that motor... should be able to build that motor around the 3k range. There really isn't that much to a 4mm. Cylinders/head,crank,cut tranny,pistons,porting,lockout and carbs. Not even close to 8k. Tons of used parts to buy....can do a good 4mm pretty cheap.

Your guys bikes run good for what they are don't get me wrong.. but like I stated earlier in this thread, you should be able to beat the 4mm's but a even a good 4mm will beat you... proven I think. Yes you probably were catching peg towards the top, I also said before mph doesn't mean to much when it comes to street bikes.. cause it takes you so long to get there.

I'm glad you have the drag fever now.. the more the better. 2strokes are still growing in hp, every season they get faster. How come you guys didn't come out to play late in the day when the big bikes were running?

Sorry if i'm wrong,,, but I did ask pegleg how much his motor cost, He didn't seem to know?????? cause, he asked his buddy, that was standing right there, and his buddy said "about $8 thousand " It was pretty clear?!?!? I thought the samething???? That seemed high to me???........ but maybe with clutch, engine, carbs, custom cases and tranny ???? I really didn't know.

It was VERY CLEAR the races were to start at noon. We were there for just the day, kurt made over 70 passes, arm pump was taking it's toll on him..

Didn't know the fast guys couldn't tell time!! lol lolo Couldn't help that one!!,,,, I know ,,I know,,, not everyone is on DDR!!!, No real reason we just didn't know??!?!? Kurt did have the balls to run the triple sno-mo guy.. wasn't TOOO bad for us,,,,, see Video,,,interesting...

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I don't know how you 4 stroke guys can even :MBdance:.You could not beat the 4 mils.

You guys will never be faster than the 2 strokes.

I really hate to keep reminding you 2 stroke guys,,

In the real BIG BOY WORLD 4 strokes rule!!!!! It just costs alot more!!! I ment,,,,,, A L O T M O R E !!!!!

LOL..LOL.. Man we gotta sell something,,,,, been doing some research and phone calls... Got a plan in place for a new 4 stroke, 4 cylinder, full dragger,,,,,, NOW need $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lol lol..

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And I hate to remind you.. just cause something looks fast doesn't mean it is. What kind of times does that thing run? You don't know... it just looks fast. Planet sand is the standard for flat track.. and the two strokes are still the fastest. Post some times before you talk about big boy world.

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Didn't Fireball do some big ol turbo, nitrous, prostock motor banshee awhile back? I heard they had some un- godly amount of money in it( like 80 grand). It did some fast mile an hour on the hill but the bigger banshee's still got to the top faster, and back then they didn't even have 24 mil. banshees. It make almost 500hp and they had to detune it to like 250 ish for it to work right. They had a pic in sand sports with INLANDS 14MIL ONLY A BIKE BEHIND IT (oops not yelling just hit caps.) You heard what the 20 mil. did to it so imagine what a 24 mil. would do to that big badass 4 stroke. All this talk about methanol, porting, dragframes, etc. I didn't hear once that the Gixer, busa, blah blah bikes have almost twice the displacement and two more pistons then the banshees. All the money in the world and it ain't worth squat without the knowledge. My little 370 banshee on alcohol with smoke 95% of the single cylinder n/a fourstokes out there and it'll even run down some small stroked Banshees and thats because it was set up right and it didn't take alot of money. It cost me $1400 bucks to do my motor with carbs. :P

Edited by painterjoe
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man 4 mill are slow i did my share of beating them 2 stroke with one hand behind my back 1st gear was broke the day before the bike was alot slower then it was had to start in 2 gear all day but it was all fun it is funning that all the 4 cylinder quads are stock motors and all the banshee are built do remimber that if some one did not put a street bike motor in a quad you would not have a banshee the motor in a banshee was a street bike motor befor it was a quad motor rd 350 and rz350 wow then you have to build it to go any were

Drag Banshees don't have first gear they take it out to make room for the override. They make enough power to leave in second and not whine about it. :P

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Drag Banshees don't have first gear they take it out to make room for the override. They make enough power to leave in second and not whine about it. :P

the power is not the problem iam 300 lb and the bike is in the 500 lb i need 1st gear it ran way better befor it broke but i was still out there running in 2 gear :MBdance: you know its good to have this 2 stroke 4 stroke thing it keeps the sport going . and wow the green raptor i think raptor roy was kicking same banshee a$$ with only 1 piston if it had 2 then what???? in the sand is the only place the 2 strokes run the big boys only run 4 strokes on the black top :P :?: :ahhhhh:

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the power is not the problem iam 300 lb and the bike is in the 500 lb i need 1st gear it ran way better befor it broke but i was still out there running in 2 gear :MBdance: you know its good to have this 2 stroke 4 stroke thing it keeps the sport going .Yes it is :thumb: and wow the green raptor i think raptor roy was kicking same banshee a$$ with only 1 piston if it had 2 then what??? He would have 3 times my displacement. :P in the sand is the only place the 2 strokes run the big boys only run 4 strokes on the black top :P :?: :ahhhhh:

Edited by painterjoe
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And I hate to remind you.. just cause something looks fast doesn't mean it is. What kind of times does that thing run? You don't know... it just looks fast. Planet sand is the standard for flat track.. and the two strokes are still the fastest. Post some times before you talk about big boy world.

No worries,,,,But again I can't seem to remember if I have ever seen a 2 stroke run with the top fuel NITRO bikes??!!??((4 strokes)) I kind of think they would have the fastest times?!?!? I know ,,kind of an extreme example, who would ever run a Top Fuel Nitro engine in our Little Hill shooting races anyway??!? Just want to make a point :P

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Didn't Fireball do some big ol turbo, nitrous, prostock motor banshee awhile back? I heard they had some un- godly amount of money in it( like 80 grand). It did some fast mile an hour on the hill but the bigger banshee's still got to the top faster, and back then they didn't even have 24 mil. banshees. It make almost 500hp and they had to detune it to like 250 ish for it to work right. They had a pic in sand sports with INLANDS 14MIL ONLY A BIKE BEHIND IT (oops not yelling just hit caps.) You heard what the 20 mil. did to it so imagine what a 24 mil. would do to that big badass 4 stroke. All this talk about methanol, porting, dragframes, etc. I didn't hear once that the Gixer, busa, blah blah bikes have almost twice the displacement and two more pistons then the banshees. All the money in the world and it ain't worth squat without the knowledge. My little 370 banshee on alcohol with smoke 95% of the single cylinder n/a fourstokes out there and it'll even run down some small stroked Banshees and thats because it was set up right and it didn't take alot of money. It cost me $1400 bucks to do my motor with carbs. :P

80K?!?!? :usa::usa::usa::thumb: Damn!!! I really wonder what a Top fuel motor would cost?!?!? 80K?! for only 250 USEABLE HP?!?!?!? Bunch of Einsteins right there?!?!?!?!?

I just got a thought,,, Maybe one of you guys should talk to the Nitro bike builders,, tell'em about these 2 stroke engines,,, they really should know!!! You may set the Nitro world on fire!!!????!!!! :usa::usa::MBdance: :ahhhhh: :usa:

You are very correct about one thing,, i've said it a few times, The 2 stroke engine is WAY lighter and cheeper to get power,,No Question!!

Ya I did?!?! See post #186:

"Good to meet you livetodrag!!! But hold on there little buddy!!! First off our bikes were NOT EVEN CLOSE to what power a Gsxr 1000 can produce. Our engines are all stock with a 40-45 hp shot of NOS ( Blue Bike)Yes 4 strokes need a 4 cylinder engine. due to the power stroke difference between a 2 and 4 stroke engine

The 2 stroke gained popularity because of it's power to weight ratio, simple design and how relatively INEXPENSIVE it is to get that power. Maybe not so inexpensive these days. Peglegs engine cost about $8,000 we were told ,,right??"

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No worries,,,,But again I can't seem to remember if I have ever seen a 2 stroke run with the top fuel NITRO bikes??!!??((4 strokes)) I kind of think they would have the fastest times?!?!? I know ,,kind of an extreme example, who would ever run a Top Fuel Nitro engine in our Little Hill shooting races anyway??!? Just want to make a point :P

We race at dumont not on asphalt.Remember you guys started this thread about dumont.

What about the triple and 4 cylinder 2 strokes how bad would they smoke your 4 pokes?

I clocked all the bikes and you guys were 10+ mph SLOWER.

Maybe you guys should talk to some banshee guys and we will tell you to build 2 strokes if you want to go fast at dumont.

Edited by las vegas duner
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