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California traffic violation fines have gone up


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I recently got this email and thought I would pass it on.

California has raised their fines for road violations.

Traffic Tickets Fines (01/06/2010)


Violation ..........................................................................Total Fine Due

Failure to obey license provisions........................................................214

Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days..........................214

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance)............796

Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.

Failure to stop at a red signal..............................................................436

Unsafe Speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit...........................................214

Unsafe Speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit..........................................328

Failure to stop at a stop sign................................................................214

Passing a school bus with flashing red signals........................................616

Drive using wireless phone not hands free, First offense .........................148

Drive using wireless phone not hands free, For each subsequent offense...256

Drive while wireless device to send, read or write text.............................148

Minor drive using wireless phone...........................................................148

Parking in a bus loading area................................................................976

Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense...............................976

Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense..........................1876

Unlawful material on vehicle windows......................................................178

Adequate muffler required......................................................................178

Mandatory use of seat belts....................................................................148

Mandatory use of child passenger restraints.............................................436

Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program.

Headsets/Earplugs over both ears...........................................................178

Motorcycle safety helmet requirements....................................................178

Commercial Driver - Log book violation....................................................616

No evidence of current registration..........................................................256

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

Notify DMV of change of address within 10 days........................................178

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

Display of license plates..........................................................................178

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

Commercial weight fees due....................................................................178

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction


Edited by 80grit
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well I guess I need to get all my chit in order, use a hands free device with my cell phone or don't use my cell phone at all while driving :laughing: and drive the speed limit.

I am sure I can't afford to pay those fine :laughing::laughoff::assblast:

thank for the heads up

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They are insane. I got popped 66 in a 55 (I was towing) on Cajon pass in June. The fee went up $40.00 by the time I paid it, it was up to $360.00. When it was all said and done with the fee amount, traffic school and online I.D. Verification it was $500.00 bucks......come to find out after the fact it was a one point violation!!! Ooof :headbang1:

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My Nephew / employee was cited for driving one of my rigs on a street designated "non-commercial".

was also sighted for:

dis-obeying traffic sign (no trucks)

failure to yeild to an emergency vehicle ("took too long to stop")

no motor carrier permit (officer ran old ca numbers) had current copy in crane (misdermeanor)

assessed an additional $300.00 for "impact on local community"

no weight stickers (do not need on a crane in Ca.)

non current address (just bought a new house a couple months ago in the city where he was being cited)

So because of the citation, the city stands to earn more than a grand, however, he may loose his job due to insurance dropping him, so they will loose his property taxes of over 3k a year if he looses his home plus my co. spends over 6 figures a year to other businesses located in the city where sighted which will go away. Just stupid to keep on putting the burden of the current economic crisis on the sholders of the residents...

Oh, and all of the BS new CARB regulations, which have been proven to be nothing but smoke and mirrors, are estimated to cost each household in ca about 5k annually once implimented...

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Open container is $165. I just got one at Dumont last weekend. :think:

yup I got pop three years ago and it was 75 bucks, bu my insurance company :broke::ninja: up the arce for it, the ticket stay in my record for two years.

I think I end up paying all together about two grand when all said and done boy that sucks

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I thought all commercial trucks need the sticker on the door of the truck, it's not the crane, but the truck that carries it.

Not talkin crap or anything, just what I understood.

Negative; In the state of Ca. cranes and concrete pumpers are non- commercial vehicles. Read Chp Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Manual HPM 82.5 5-1 through 5-4, 7-3 through 7-4. My cranes are registered as automobiles, cranes and concrete pumpers are allowed to do this and are exempt from weight fees. No BIT inspections required as well, just can't have 32 or more square feet of deck space available for a load. :think:

Edited by raspadoo
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Negative; In the state of Ca. cranes and concrete pumpers are non- commercial vehicles. Read Chp Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Manual HPM 82.5 5-1 through 5-4, 7-3 through 7-4. My cranes are registered as automobiles, cranes and concrete pumpers are allowed to do this and are exempt from weight fees. No BIT inspections required as well, just can't have 32 or more square feet of deck space available for a load. :broke:

Oh how the hell would you know!? :ninja:


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