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Got 24 hrs to kill?


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So my 14 yr old daughter an I decide to leave So Cal @ 9:30pm Fri, arrive @ the Grand Canyon in time to catch a 5am shuttle to the Kaibib trail, head head down to the river along it a while and back up the Bright Angel Trail. I'm guessing only 16mi or so but WAY steep. Got back up to the top and drove home :D Next day took my 12 year old son riding @ El Mirage only because I told him I would, you talk about sore, I'm So thankful for the red button on the KTM300XC.... :dayum:







Edited by raspadoo
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That place is awesome. You have to see in person to really have a feel for how big that place is. Must of been a very tiresome trip but for the kids its always worth it.

I also make an effort to do what I tell my kids We will do. Great job DAD!

I am 30 Miles from El Mirage not much to do there but if it keeps the kids happy why not. :dayum:

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That hike was Brutal, as we were going down I thought for sure we were going to have to find a rock to sleep under on the way out :D My daughter never complained once, even gapped me by a few yards on the way up once or twice if the truth be told. Very proud of her, thanks for the replies :dayum:

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