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Dumont 10-17-2010

Just Mike

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IT was hot as hell on sat. but this morning was well worth it. here is the link since the emedding never works for me. http://www.vimeo.com/15938481

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/15938481" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="

Oct. Run</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2519241">Mike Geen</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> Edited by dunefreak
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Great video Mike. Sand did look smooth and I didnt see but one witch's eye.

Did the camping area feel pretty well compacted? Has Dumont got any rain out there?

Were the nights hot or cool? And how bad was the road in and out?

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  On 10/18/2010 at 4:05 AM, Malibu Mike said:

Thanks pete. It did the same thing to me last time. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Just copy and past the embeding and clinc on auto line break right?

yep, you got it right. Not sure why it does that for you though. think.gif

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  On 10/18/2010 at 4:29 AM, 80grit said:
Great video Mike. Sand did look smooth and I didn't see but one witch's eye. Did the camping area feel pretty well compacted? Has Dumont got any rain out there? Were the nights hot or cool? And how bad was the road in and out?
The flats felt pretty packed down. I did not spin my tires on my truck at all. The road sucked as expected. You can ask Steve about that.:laughing: The nights were very warm but I am sure it will break soon. I ran the ac a lot. Sat. Was very sharp but this morning everything was good to go. Edited by Malibu Mike
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was a nice shake down weekend pulled in around 3:30 friday. it was around 100 and even my excitement to ride couldn't over come the heat cut my first ride short. hadnt put on my camelback and was sweated thru. played around comp hill friday night only one other group was out there. then did a little night run behind banshee hill with Ken (mr sandybrown) saturday was hot again managed a few long rides and a couple hour nap in the AC. everybody was pretty wiped out by evening. then this morning i lead a epic ride with mike and jodie ( it was perfect sand i could see the line and had a flow going ) mike said we were running about 50 mph most of the run. after getting back everyone packed up and headed out.

the road is a F- i had a short discussion with the lone BLM ranger about it.

visited with Pat, big rick, and bob. and jill and charlie were out with the grandkids

didnt make it over to vendors row but i dont think anyone was there

the camp area seems very hard couldnt even dig a fire pit near bath 6.

the dunes are strange again they moved a lot over summer the dune by the north pole is half as tall as last year.

no pictures but im working on some of the gopro video i shot

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<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15941287&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15941287&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

dunes sunday run 10-17-10</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user4679399">steve t</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> same run as mikes video from my helmet gopro camban-split.gif
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It was a good shake down for me too.. Everything ran like they should. I bought a new to me 2000 KX5 and it was crazy fast! I haven't been on a 2stroke in 20 years and still cant get over how fast it is.

I wanted to go for a ride sunday, but my knee was letting me know that It was not a good idea. Kicking that 500 did it in. I had to ice it down last night so I can go to work today.

I'm having some problems with the MoHo overheating up the pass, and I broke the auto stairs saturday night. Fing money pit!

Thanks Dan for the inside info on the dirtbike. I'll be looking for a steering dampener asap.

It was cool hanging out with Mike, Jodie, steve, and the rest of the camp. That one guy with the kick a$$ LTR! cool weekend.

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Thanks Jodi! ya it was good runnin with you guys, we had a good one til mike had to go and screw it up...:laughing:

Good meeting you Mr. Brown and no problem on the dampner advice, it realllllly helps, and if you see me outhere again feel free to go try it out! I do wish I had video of you sinking into that razor man it was soft

Edited by DunerDan
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Great job with the video Steve. It is cool to see ther same run from a different vantage point. Great pics Jodi except for the one of me were I look dead. :laughing: Yea my Raptor died on what started to be a great run. It turned out to be a wire that came loose from the ecu plug. Found which one it was and super glued that b*tch in place. Thanks Brice and Rees for the info on that. All good now.

Edited by Malibu Mike
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that's crazy I happened to ge you on the phone today Brian :laughing: glad nothing major happened to your car and it will be fixed quick!

Jak ya I got there about 730 8 ish and rode til about 1230 was well worth the trip even though it was hot sand was awesome!

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  On 10/18/2010 at 10:45 PM, CampIdiot said:

Better to break in Dumont than to be fixed at home. Gotta test the limits sometimes :headbang1:

Hell yea. All your tires were all still on the car so it wasn't to bad. Car souded just incredible by the way.

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short video of a pass thru the whoops by banshee hill

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15974694&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=15974694&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

RUN THRU THE WHOOPS</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user4679399">steve t</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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