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Off to China


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Well, I am off to China for a month. I'm outta here tomorrow at 5pm. I just wanted to tell everyone goodbye and have a good one. I'll miss reading the forums as there is very little, if any internet access where I am going :laughoff: . Hopefully I will be able to find some sort of internet there and send some pictures. Take care everyone...I'll upload pictures soon.

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Well, here I sit in Taiwan waiting on my next flight. It's 7am on Saturday, 80 degrees with 90% humidity. The flight from LA to Taiwan was pretty good. I flew business class so my chair reclined quite a bit. The food on the other hand is, well, INTERESTING! They serve some "Western Style" stuff, western Asian maybe. I left LA at 1am US time and didn't get to sleep until 6am US time. I finally woke up at noon and it was pitch black out the window. It's a very different world over here. At least I have wireless internet service in the airport while I wait. I'll post up some pics later.

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Yeah I guess I am in the future. I'm 15 hours ahead of Vegas time. Here are some pictures from Mainland China today. Yes, I am here on business with Wynn. It's a totally different world. I spent most of my day in Mainland China. Prostitution is legal here so you have to be careful who you smile at. There are the Russians and the Asians. They both have a side of the street they work so I just walk down the middle. As for the food, well you take your chances on that. Take care everyone. I will send pics from Hong Kong when I get them up.

Bad day to be a chicken


These are the Ruins of St. Paul deep in China


Bad day to be a Pig...they had all kinds of parts hanging around


People have to work somehow...this guy was making his monkey do tricks


Behind me just a small part of Macau with Mainland China right beside it


Some Western style is here, but not much


These are considered "Great Apartments" to live in...$1,000 US per month


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some pictures from Hong Kong. Right now we are in the middle of a Typhoon that is supposed to last for a few days. I'm not able to leave my hotel room until it stops, but it's a nice break. I can tell you that I cannot wait to get back on US soil!!!

Main street in Hong Kong (Nathan Street)


Dinner (Everything is fresh)


This is how laundry is done (seriously)


Ahh a place I can call MINE


And one good shot of Jager to wash the worries away...


Take care everyone :laughing:

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Ash, it looks like there working you to death! I will personally write Mr. Wynn a letter complaining of your cruel and unusual work conditions. I only hope you can hold on until your time is up and you return home so we can go DUNING!!!! :laughing:

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Well, the opening of the casino has gone so smoothly that they found it in their hearts to let me go early. I am flying out tomorrow (Sept. 11th) and will be back home the same day except 22 hours later..if that makes any sense :mc_smiley:

It's been a trip I will never forget and it just got popped on me yesterday that I will be returning in February. Lovely, as long as they don't make it over President's Day weekend, we will be fine. I don't see myself giving that weekend up for a month in China....EVER!!!

Take care everyone....see ya in the sand

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