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STOLEN. DS650. Keep an eye out please.

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Well folks, at 1115 last night I finished up all tweaking, mods, and prep for DS Days. Rolled her out of the garage and into the fence, rolled the second one out of the fence and into the garage to get a few last second tweaks done. I left for work at 330 this morning and she was gone.

VIN 2BVBBHB133V000513

CA Green sticker K85G16

2003 DS650

Red and Black

04 Headlight with Black trim

TM45, HPR intake, no air box, K&N w/Red Outerwears

Big Gun complete exhaust

Baja lights

AC Racing Propeg Nerfbars

AC Racing full body skid

AC Racing front bumper

AC Racing six pack rack

ProArmor swing arm skid plate

This was my retirement present in May of 03 and has many hours and dollars that were near and dear to me invested. I have the only two Bombardiers within about a 70 mile radius. It just boggles my mind that people can effe with things that do not belong to them. Especially in such a small town. If I would have taken the extra ten seconds to put the lock on the gate then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I had the truck what I thought was close enogh to the gate...

Effin' bummer, good thing one of the best races of the season is fixing to come on. Take my mind off of it momentarily.

Thanks for listening to my whinning

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Thanks Don. School starts tomorrow so maybe Casey will have some luck in spreading the word too.

I just hope it's recovered and the effers who took it are not there when I arrive to retrieve it... Some of that Marine corps close combat training may come back to me.

Be seeing you guys soon, but not before a little trip to Utah's Sand Mountain next week.

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  dunefreak said:

really!??? :laughing: That's awesome news. Where's the details? :laughing:

Been hactic since returning from six days up in Utah's Sand Mountain. I will fill in the gory details soon. I did get her back and she ain't pretty. :laughing: Just waiting on the detective and the kids folks to figure out which way to proceed. Lots of work to get it back to the pre theft condition but that's much more luck than some folks have in these cases.

Living in a small town surely helped out in this situation.

Be seeing you guys soon. :laughing:

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That's happened to quite a few people here in this town. These welfare teenage splibs will steal a vehicle and thrash it then of course the parents can't pay for it and the law won't put these punks in jail. Your better off just shooting them and taking them out of their misery if you catch them.

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sounds like the punk bastards that stole a buddy of ours stuff outta his toyhauler... He was on his way home from glamis and happened to get 3 freakin flats on his WW ( carlisle tires :eatdrink021: )... anyhow this nice trucker couple he found in the town where i lived agreed to let him leave his trailer in thier yard overnight... well he figured.. it was fenced with a bulldog they were a older couple, old man was a truck drive wtf why not... well when he came back the next day w/ new tires all his stuff was stolen out of the toy hauler.. DS650, CRF450, Golf Cart... Well we managed to recover everything but the DS... my brother found the golf cart stashed in a barn on a HUNCH... (we grew up in a town smaller than 29 palms ) and sure enough the cart was there and a few days later after probing the local crack heads he found the 450 as well... sherrifs didnt do squat... We still see the DS floating around from time to time and cant get close enough without confrontation to check the vin so its was chocked up as a loss and reported to insurance..

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Recovered DS pics

Can't believe how long it takes the law to respond around here. I called daily for six days straight to let the deputy who took the initial report know that I had recovered the bike. Day 7 another deputy shows up and takes all of the information on how I got it back and says he knows the parents of the guy who had it. Going on four days now and no word. He says if any of the missing items are recovered at the home then prosecution should be easy, if not it is my burden to prove cost of replacement and labor.

Tomorrow I am going to try and load it up and go for a ride to see if I can determine if there is any internal damage. Didn't seem to be when I picked it up but it was 1130pm and I didn't get to ride it long. Here are a few pics to let you see what a thrashing she took. Remember, I had it showroom clean and ready for DS Days. And no, the rear tires did not look like that when it left, reason I'm concerned with the ride tomorrow...

I'll update as info comes in.

Thanks again for the offers of rides and the many words of encouragement. Long nights ahead to get her fixed up but I'm just glad she's back.

Edited by aceisback
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  • 2 months later...
  ISBB said:

sounds like the punk bastards that stole a buddy of ours stuff outta his toyhauler... He was on his way home from glamis and happened to get 3 freakin flats on his WW ( carlisle tires :think: )... anyhow this nice trucker couple he found in the town where i lived agreed to let him leave his trailer in thier yard overnight... well he figured.. it was fenced with a bulldog they were a older couple, old man was a truck drive wtf why not... well when he came back the next day w/ new tires all his stuff was stolen out of the toy hauler.. DS650, CRF450, Golf Cart... Well we managed to recover everything but the DS... my brother found the golf cart stashed in a barn on a HUNCH... (we grew up in a town smaller than 29 palms ) and sure enough the cart was there and a few days later after probing the local crack heads he found the 450 as well... sherrifs didnt do squat... We still see the DS floating around from time to time and cant get close enough without confrontation to check the vin so its was chocked up as a loss and reported to insurance..

Confrontation nothing. 10 friends in a magazine says it goes home with me if VIN matched. Tired of kids doing what they want without getting into trouble. :dunno:

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:idea: you'd better be kidding mredgy :mischevious: :driver:

Glad you got your stuff back dude. Kid across the street got is mcycle stolen, found it 6 months later. Some kids in the front yard, parents were there. Nothing happened after that. Welcome to Henertucky.

Edited by desertskyz
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DAMN! I would hate to have one of those dogs hanging from each arse cheek. Can I borrow those fellows for a day or two? I know where the CSer lives.

Funny how fast these things (don't) work. Just last week I had a detective call me up and say that a warrant has been issued and asked if I'd like to compile a list damages along with cost to repair and replace. Of course I would, it's only been three months! I'm pretty sure that actually recovering the $1448 in just parts, no labor, is just a fantasy.

If his parents were worth a rats a$$ they would bring me a nice round wad of cash, wear his a$$ out, and call it a day. He's only 20, I'm sure they can instill some respect and discipline into him. TURDS...

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  • 7 months later...

Well folks here's a little update for you all.

First of all I would like to tell BigWaynester and JohnnyAirtime to never lose hope, and anyone else that has had thier DS stolen from them. They may yet turn up and I very much hope that they do. The wheels of justice are very slow but they are turning. Here's how my deal ended up at 1030 this morning.

The guy that stole my DS back in August of 06 was arrested during a sweep in December. Arrainments here, postponments there, hearings some other time, it was all vey frustrating to say the least. Very long story short the sentencing was this morning and he recieved 180 days in County jail, 3 years Felony probation, and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $2261.

A word from experience, if you ever have a bike stolen and recovered take as many pictures from as many angles as you can. BEFORE you touch anything and try to start getting it back to it's former condition. Keep ANY and ALL reciepts from items, parts, supplies that it takes to do so. I handed the District Attorney 53 pictures that I had taken and she took probably 30 or 40 more herself. I had it pretty much restored when she took hers but it helped prove the shape it was once in. Reciepts go a long way in the court of law.

At this point I would like to thank all of the fine folks here on the forum who sold me or donated to me some of the items that it took to restore her to her former glory. A very special thanks goes out to monkeyinajar (phil, and his dad Shaun) for without the motor everything else would have been for naught. I hope anyone else that has to deal with this has the fortunate outcome that I've experienced.

Karma is a good thing. See ya'll back in the dunes soon.

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