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Night drags


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Night drags will be Aug 13th 2011 starting sundown. Please respect all posted rules and remember to keep trash in a bag. If you forgot bags Rub Dubs will have extra :headbang1:

Bring your fastest bike. People will have everything from stock to full drag so come out and have some fun racing :drinkbeer:

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  On 8/3/2011 at 4:21 PM, bulldogz400 said:

Spread the word! Heading out with a group from Vegas, will have hillshooters, duners, SxS's, bring them all out!

It was mentioned in another recent thread and it's on the homepage. ;)

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  On 8/12/2011 at 4:32 AM, my864x4runner said:

What's a normal turn out for a night drag?

Is it open to everyone or are the hillshooters going to take it over like at glamis?

Still debating going.

From my experience it's open to everyone and everything. Nobody owns the hill- it's run what you brung and everything from stockers to built Banshees show up, race and have a good time. But then again, if only hill shooters show then it will probably be only them hitting the hill. Hard to say from the feedback what kind of crowd will be there this time around. :dunno:

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  On 8/12/2011 at 4:51 AM, dunefreak said:

From my experience it's open to everyone and everything. Nobody owns the hill- it's run what you brung and everything from stockers to built Banshees show up, race and have a good time. But then again, if only hill shooters show then it will probably be only them hitting the hill. Hard to say from the feedback what kind of crowd will be there this time around. :dunno:

Im taking drag and duners. Got about 6 other duners coming with me also even a couple stockers for a lil night riding..see you all there!

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Looking for a few volunteers to help me stage a few pictures for the American Sand Association (ASA). During the Sand Sports Super Show, they are setting up a kids education booth and need some pics of folks doing the wrong things like riding doubles, no helmet, no flag. If anyone would like to help, please let me know.

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