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Simple things in life...that make you happy


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I thought I might start this thread for whoever might be having a bad day or just for the simple reason to spread a positive vibe. :D

What are the simple things in life that make you happy? It's usually the things that usually money can't buy that make me the happiest in life.

I'll start....

Cruising in my truck with the windows down on a nice day listening to a great song that comes on the radio. B) :rockon:

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those day's i call in sick to work! to be at the dunes :D


Drinking in the driveway w/ a couple good friends...


Take the 1/4ton and explore a few trails around town.. I used to love the trail system at the end of gibson and horizon ridge untill they closed them off to build houses... I would go there for hours at a time just to crawl around in the truck and relax..

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those day's i call in sick to work! to be at the dunes :D


Drinking in the driveway w/ a couple good friends...


Take the 1/4ton and explore a few trails around town.. I used to love the trail system at the end of gibson and horizon ridge untill they closed them off to build houses... I would go there for hours at a time just to crawl around in the truck and relax..

ahh yes...that is a good one :D:rockon:

or sitting atop one of the big dunes at Dumont looking over the camp area all by myself with a nice cool breeze in my face. It's so peacefull I can't help but smile :ninja: whenever I do that. :unsure:

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Simple things that make me happy!

1. Sitting on the beach, listening to the waves crash into the shore, watching the sunset.

2. Road trip with great friends, jamming the radio and BS'ing

3. Kicking it around the fire drinking with DDR!!! Good Times!! :rockon:

4. Cruising thru the dunes on my quad seriously makes me smile everytime.

5. Listening to the rain (the few times we get any) oh yeah and the smell of rain.

6. Cuddling on the couch with that special someone watching a great movie!! (not lately) no comments from the peanut gallery on this one please.

I could go on and on and on with the simple things in life that make me smile. But thats a few! Im not really the hard a$$ I pretend to be.

:D Great thread by the way Pete!

Edited by Sincity_blondie
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I too enjoy a great sunset as well....more specifically: a sunset while on the beach in Cali with duniemonkie while kicking back with ice cream from that one place on Hermosa Beach...well it doesn't get much better than that. PRICELESS. :D:D:D

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, who knew you were a romantic!!! :rockon:

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ok ok, get over it, we freakin love each other, ok!!?? Is that so hard to deal with, people?? :laughoff::laughoff:

Here are some more of my happy things in life.... :ninja:

-The sound and smell of my old truck every time I fire it up and spin it around the block. Ahh gotta love it!

-mom's home cooked meals. mmm :unsure:

-laughing so hard my stomach hurts...like that ---> :unsure::drunk: (this hapens everytime at the dunes- ask Steveo :laughoff: )

-kicking it with good friends at the north pole late at night when nobody is out in the dunes but us

-watching duniemonkie torment my cat :rockon::drunk:

-wind in my face haulin a$$ through the dunes :drunk: (ok that one costs a lil money, but it's still awesome)

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peanut butter. you need money for that i know, but how about free peanut butter?

what truly makes me happy that money can't buy? reminiscing of the times i spent with friends who are now gone. those were the best of times. we grew up poor, in the housing authority.. we never had money, we never needed it. now i spend every dime i make chasing the fun we had and never catching it.

those memories are worth every dollar in the world. i'd try robbing a federal bank if i could bring back my friends for just one more memory.

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Being in the zone on my bike on an empty highway at about 90mph when the temperature outside is around 80 degrees.

Fast runs through the dunes with someone else leading.

Hanging out with my second family on MOVIE NIGHT at Dumont.

( I'm smiling now as I type this stuff. ) :D

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Nope.. that was the day trip we went on.. me you and taco.. remember Rhinoking actually rode his bike!!!!

ohhh yeah. I thought we had a similar pic atop the face hill dunes after Bert rolled the rail or no? Ahh either way, good times. I don't want to get too far off topic now. :rockon:

How bout sitting around the campfire listening to the sounds of quads, bikes, rails and generators? Kicking back with good friends (expecially at the dunes) is always a happy thought in my book. :D

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Being in the zone on my bike on an empty highway at about 90mph when the temperature outside is around 80 degrees.

Fast runs through the dunes with someone else leading.

Hanging out with my second family on MOVIE NIGHT at Dumont.

( I'm smiling now as I type this stuff. ) :D

That's cool , Don. That's really the reason why I started the thread. :D It makes me happy just thinking of these things too. I figured some days are just flat out sh*tty and stressfull, why not try bring some happiness to DDR for whoever is having that kind of day. :D

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