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Dec 9th-11th trip report...how was the weekend???


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The 2 hours i spent playin in the truck and sittin by the campfire bs'in was nice... :D told the lady i was going home (budsponges house) instead of goign east on the 215 i went west to dumont.. :D

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ya it was a great weekend aside from the problems. didn't start off to good. as soon as me and my son got there friday night i pulled in and talked to don from the door of my motor home and went to pull up and tiurn around to face the other way and took out the left front off my silverado and the right side of the motorhome. chris had pulled up alongside the motorhome with my truck and i didn't see him. next morning went to go on the first ride and the scrambler crapped out before we could go very far. so chris hopped in dons rail and i went out on the banshee. went over to comp hill and promptly threw a chain. it was too screwed up to put back on so don took me back to get my warrior and the tow strap and we towed it back. managed to twist the chain back in shape and went through the carb on the scrambler and everything was running good so we got some good riding in. my wife did a cool drawing of tim and his rail and he gave her a nice tip. thanks tim. it was great meeting all you guys and we will be seeing alot of each other in the future at the dunes. next time though i need a ride in joe and tims rails. had a great ride in yours don. hope you made it back ok with those sorry trailer tires. :D

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pete thanks for the stickers i had a great time my buddy and i enjoyed the ride with the rest of the ddr crew it was alot of fun. my kids enjoyed the marshallows but i think the fire ball and exploding bottle will definetly keep them from playing with fire :laughing: that was something they were even talking about today. it was cool to have some other people to park with and go riding with :laughoff:

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I made it home after stopping in Baker to get a $65 used tire put on the trailer. It was great seeing some familiar faces and was great meeting some new ones. This weekend was great despite the little problems. Weather was nice and the dunes were perfect.We went on some good rides and had a blast. :laughoff:

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I couldn't agree more Don. I had a blast. Weather and dunes were very nice. Not much craziness to talk about other than just the good ol late night festivities. :laughoff::drunk: I raced another Hayabusa minirail up comp w/ my gimp a$$ broken arms!! :shocked2: :laughing: Oh yeah, I smoked him too! :D We went on a lot of FUN rides. Don, Joe, and Tim: you've all got some sweet rails. :headbang:

Good to hear you made it back ok Don, that tire problem sucked. It was great hangin out w/ everyone that came out. Very cool people, lets do it again sometime. :laughing::thumb:

I'll get my pics up sometime soon. Tim (Originalpimp), you've got to get that drawing of you and your rail scanned. :grin: That was a great sketch Vicki did, It'll make a nice avatar. :thumb:

Edited by dunefreak
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Some pics from the weekend :shocked2: (more to come though)



SandYFZ's broken axle :laughing:


A couple of guys jumping the finger dune... :laughing:









Then after watching these guys jump, we didn't want to roost them sitting next to us and so this happened trying to slowly roll away.... :laughoff:


and the tow vehicle....


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So despite all the little sh*t that went wrong w/ everyone's stuff, it was still a good weekend. SandYFZ broke that axle, Sand~Snake blew off that rad tank, I found out I got a crack in my frame :laughing: , Don had a flat on his trailer, Tim (OriginalPimp) had some fan issues, Joe's steering rack bolts worked there way out :laughing: , Dave had a fender bender in camp w/ his own 2 vehicles :shocked2: :laughoff:

...putting the bolts back in Joe's steering rack (good thing we didn't loose them in the sand!!)



SuperDave's aftermath from his fender bender.... :(


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  stalteri920 said:

I like the pic of the 4 rails on the crest, sweet :laughing:

Me too. I thought that was a cool pic. We didn't even try and stop for a pic there either. :laughoff: It was where Joe lost his steering rack bolts so I decided it was time for a snapshot :shocked2:

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  TACOMAMA said:

I had a good time this weekend, even though I didn't ride too much. I think I'm gettin' too old, I really do enjoy letting people drive me around in their nice sand cars. :laughoff:

You can ride in my car anytime. :laughing: (this little smilie is so cool)

Edited by Don29palms
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