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2 offroad guys missing, found dead


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I read about this earlier today.

It's a very sad and unfortunate ending.

These guys went missing after going out at 2:30AM on Sunday in a side x side near Government Peak, CA. I have no idea why someone would go out at that hour unless alcohol was a factor. I'm not jumping to conclusions or even saying that's what happened, but it's kinda strange. Friends of mine in the CA area say that is a very dangerous area even in the daytime. It ends up they went off of a 400-500 ft cliff in a UTV. :dayum:

Hopefully they went quickly. :( RIP fellow offroaders.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, what a tragedy. The local news was covering this for a couple of days, and there was an extensive search going on. They never said what happened to them, just that they were found. There is a bar in Randsburg that everyone rides to, I wonder if that is where they left from? That part of the desert is dangerous, there are cliffs, abandoned mines, etc. You won't find me riding there at night.

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