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So I'm not really sure why, but if it weren't for bad luck...I wouldn't have any at all.

I got a call at 2am Wed. My Shop caught fire. I was there in 5 min. to discover it was gone. Fire capt. says the cause is undetermined.

It was a 40'x60' bldg. I built my old bus in there, my atc 70 in there, and hundreds upon hundreds of other projects. I had 20 years worth of tools: welders:mig, tig, arc, a plasma cutter, mills, drill presses, compressors, saws, air tools, etc. We had truck parts, tires,etc. Worse, we had our vintage Kenworth, restored; our first rig now serving as a trophy, burnt to the ground. Been real busy since dealing with claims adjusters, and contractors, and every looky-loo in the neighborhood. The fire capt. estimated it at a 300k dollar loss. I probably had 50k in tools. I'd been collecting tools since I was 14 working odd jobs. :bawl: Kinda lookin like dune season is over :bawl:

We got a call today from the insurance, and they can only cover the bldg, and not the contents, due to the business nature. Let everyone learn from our misery: insure up, and read the fine print :shake:

I got the good camera over there now, so I may post up some pics in a few days of the aftermath, but these are what I snapped on my phone that morning:




The big flare up was the when the rig lit up . There were 5 engines/crews there, and they did a fantastic job :thumb: The newspaper says the call was placed at 1:53, and claims the flames were under control by 2:16. They were onsite until about 5 to control any flare ups.

The MH got blistered paint, and melted tail lights, but is otherwise ok, but uninsured....

No one was injured, so we are thankful for that, but WOW! you never think it'll happen to you :pile:

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I thought I was the only one with the black cloud over them. Sorry for your losses, it totally sucks when you think something is covered only to find out it isn't or they depreciate it down to nothing

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Here are some pics from the day after:



Notice the once chrome bumper of our old K-DUB : not much more than left left of the truck



The tally is over 75k in tools as of now. The insurance is sending a crew of guys tomorrow to start removing some of the sheet metal, in order to do an independent investigation as to the cause. I guess they suspect we torched the place, and lost 200-300k in order to claim the 30k coverage :bs: ; but eitherway, I'm grateful for that, because removing the metal is the most dangerous part of the cleanup; A lot of unseen tension in those beams, waiting to rip me in half, when I start cutting. I've been in there a few times, and everything is gone. Nothing but ashes.

On a lighter note, my middle name is Jon, but I've been teased that it should be Job(old testament referrance). Our families are doing well with it, and we are trusting that all things work together for good...trying to stay positive :thumb:

Insurance hasn't allowed us in there to begin cleanup yet, but I'm getting very ancy to start. I know I'll get some gnarly pics of the carnage, once the lid comes off this bldg. I had several sheets of 3/16" aluminum for a trailer I was rebuilding, that are nothing more than a puddle...that was one hot fire.

I've already ordered a new welder and plasma, as I need those to keep our operations running. I customized the order with some sick looking blue (real fire style) flames. I think that is gonna be my theme on most of my tools/ boxes.

Kinda easy to think the whole world is against you after something like this, so Thanks for all the well wishes! I'll post more pics as we dig out in the weeks to come

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  • 1 month later...


I almost have the clean up wrapped up. :woo_hoo:

What an unbelievable ordeal. Can't even begin to express how heartbreaking this is, but a picture is worth 1000 words, so here are a few:

my first real glimpse at our baby, a fully restored 1970 KW, chromed, pollished, and bada$$:


my MH damage:



my dual MIG 255 Lincoln:


Honda pressure washer:


80 Gal. twin stage compressor:


Sheet metal cleanup...


paint gun collection


2 porter cable sawzalls, and a brand new dewalt right angle blah blah blah:


my grandfathers radial arm saw...memories :bawl:


Previously mentioned low rider rig:


and multiple collections of aluminum, from material we stocked, to fuel tanks, to the old rig's frame...all of it, every bit melted into drips. Aluminum has a melting point of 1220 degs....it was one HOT fire!


This is a sampling of my pics...too many to post, and too many tools to fully inventory, but this can give an idea of what we should've had insured. If any other tool guys out there see this, make sure you know what your coverages are. We've upped all our policies now, and would reccomend all do the same. We are doubting we will rebuild, as to the lack of funds, but some tools will have to be replaced asap to keep our operations flowing; and lastly, to show there is light at the end of the tunnel, my new dual MIG:



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Andy this must still be devastating but you can only move forward. I am sure its easier said than done when the shoe is on the other foot. I am glad you are moving forward and keeping positive. I see you prevailing and making the best of the situation. Good luck and if you can ever use an extra hand Give me call.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I might be able to use a good lawyer...anybody have any reccomendations?

The fire department sent us a bill for their services :rant: After writing a heartfelt thank you letter to all involved, it seems we are responsible for the 5 engines that showed up(of which two crews actually worked), all the fire fighter's wages, and even for the costs of the report. I guess when the state cuts funds, they have to make it up somewhere...like kicking a family when they're down :beatdeadhorse: Worse yet, they billed one enginge @ 11.75 hours....they were there for 3.5-4 hours total :bs:

Needless to say, we will NOT be giving to any firefighter's charities EVER AGAIN! :pissed:

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Hate to hear about all your bad luck. Im a professional firefighter in Ca. and had no idea any departments were charging for services except medical transports. That sucks, it is why we already pay taxes. Im assuming its Riverside Co or maybe Cal fire? For what it counts I agree its BS. I would fight it for sure.

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