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March 3, 2011 day trip report


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Sat AM Chris1223, Chadwick, Eric, Mike B, and I rolled in to Dumont around 8AM. It was a bit chilly when we first got there. We quickly geared up and found out the rest of the group was going to be a little while longer so we headed out for a ride. The dunes were badass! There were no tracks. It felt like summertime, except much cooler. It was super smooth, yet predictable so we got some good fast runs in.

Along one of the first rides Mike's exhaust shield came apart ripping the bung out of the pipe causing an exhaust leak. We continued on because it wasn't a major issue and we'd try fixing it up back at camp. Then there was a small mishap when Mike B had to lock up his brakes to avoid hitting Chris1223 and he took a little spill off a dune hurting his shoulder but he toughed it out for the rest of the day and continued to ride. Hopefully nothing is broken. We headed back to camp to find rushjunkie had arrived and then vegas style shortly after. Aceisback and his buddy came over from their camp. We got Mike's Raptor rigged up and we were back in biz in no time. We all headed right back out for a good long ride. On the way back, Mike's bad luck struck again when he got a flat. He had a couple holes in his tires probably from the flats that we went ripping across a couple times. We went everywhere. I don't think there was an area of Dumont that we didn't ride except racing up boring comp hill. lol Vegas Style headed back to grab Mike's air tank and he managed to get it back. Aceisback helped out again and grabbed some tire plugs for MIke. Marble MD and Rap Rider then showed up and we all headed back out again. There wasn't much down time. We were go go go. The riding was great! We had a total of 10 quads and a RZR in the group. Everyone rode great and kept the train going nice and tight. It was a pretty cool sight to see. All 11 of us ripping through the dunes almost in unison form. Again, those dunes were killer! I was feeling great that day and everything felt so fluid and easy flowing. The dunes were even pretty easy to read when the sun was at the highest point.

I lost track of how many dune rides we went on. Around lunchtime or shortly after, chris1223 had to head home. He was happy to be back out riding after a long 11/2 yrs away from the sandbox. Rushjunkie's quad was popping and not running right so he unfortunately had to bail out too. Mike sat out the last ride when we headed over to Little Dumont. We stopped and hit a jump for a little while. Then when Eric was jumping Chad's bike he got a flat. Luckily aceiback's buddy ran the wheel/tire back to camp to fix it up while we waited there playing around and bs'ing. Vic and his buddy are some great guys. Always willing to lend a hand and if someone has an issue in the group they treat it as if it's their own. Thanks again guys!

After Chad's tire was back on he and Vegas Style headed back to camp and the rest of us went to go check out the mines. I've been going to Dumont since 1998 and to that day I had never been all the way up the trail to check it out. A few others had never seen it either so we made the hike. Not very comfortable in hiking boots, but it was pretty cool to see the old mines and stamp mills that were from the 1880's! We all found out hiking in riding boots sucks pretty bad. It got pretty warm that day too.

After Little Dumont we headed back to camp. There was probably about 45 minutes left of sunlight. We were so tired after the hike to the mines and the whole day of riding we actually skipped our last sunset ride. We were spent!

It was a long day of GREAT riding with a great group. Trips like this make me want to try and get at least one a month in with the group if everyone could pull them off. Thanks to everyone that came out. I'm looking forward to the next one at the end of the month!

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It was good times, and i really liked the first ride. Can't wait to see some of the photos. I am sore for sure, but gave the Raptor a good workout to. (i don't think it's sore though)

I guess i need to get my lazy a$$ out of bed earlier to catch the early rides next time. I can't wait for another ride, and happy to meet another group of guys to ride with.


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Here's the pics.

Gearing up




vegas style


some of the group. (Left to right: chris1223, aceisback, chadwick, aseisback's buddy, Mike B, Eric, and rushjunkie)


vegas style


Eric's Honda


Fixing her up


That'll work.


Out on a ride stopping for a break and to hit a jump





Rap Rider









The crew


rushjunkie and Marble MD giving the ole DDR bird


Vegas Style's RZR


Little Dumont time. (me)







Eric on Chad's Raptor and Rap Rider jumping...












I managed to get some kickass shots of Rap Rider playing around.




Check out the moon in this pic!


sandblower! haha


Hiking up to the mines...


















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Pete, are the mines the same place you can hike to from the Sperry Wash parking area down the road a little? I stopped there on my way out since it was still a little early and I could get in there since I didn't have the trailer. Took some pics, but I was too lazy to go to the end of the trail. Here's a couple from the DSLR. Also took some with my old 35mm SLR and B&W film. We'll see if those are any good after I spend some time in the dark room with them (sun was REALLY bright.).

Nothing too interesting, and I haven't taken the time to edit them a little, but here:






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  On 3/5/2012 at 12:51 AM, rushjunkie said:

Pete, are the mines the same place you can hike to from the Sperry Wash parking area down the road a little?

No this was out by Little Dumont. Different spot I think.

  On 3/5/2012 at 12:57 AM, rushjunkie said:

Killer pics Pete!

Thanks man! A few came out killer, but the others it was quite a chore trying to fix an over-exposure issue I had with the wide lens. Not sure what I did wrong but they came out ok after some post processing.

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  On 3/5/2012 at 1:25 AM, andydew said:

freakin sweet. I haven't been to the mine yet. I didn't even know what they'd mined for, but a cool piece of history there :thumb: Looks like a killer day ...I'm jealous!

most likely silver.....but not 100% sure
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Im beginning to think that it pays off to get there early as possible for the day trips. It kinda takes it out of you but in the end it pays off because you really get all the riding in you can possibly handle. I had such a good time this trip. I was really looking forward to this all week and it was nice to see everyone again at my favorite place in the world. Its the one place where I truly can not think about all the stresses in my life and just enjoy the scenery and good runs out in the sand. I can't wait to do it again in the near future. Thanks Pete for driving, thanks Vic and your friend for getting my tire up and running so I could get back to camp and thanks all who came. Eddie and Adam it was good to meet you guys and hope to do some riding with you all again soon. Chris, welcome back and good to see you again! When we going next???

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Nice photos, i like the ones you got with me kicking the sand around.

I am bummed i can't make it for clean-up, or the 31st. We have to get something before the end of the season though. I will even get up early so i don't miss the early runs this time.

I have the video done, but it needs a song, and I can't find one. I know as a DJ it should be easy right, WRONG, it makes it harder. I analyze everything too much.

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  On 3/5/2012 at 4:43 AM, Rap_Rider said:

Nice photos, i like the ones you got with me kicking the sand around.

I am bummed i can't make it for clean-up, or the 31st. We have to get something before the end of the season though. I will even get up early so i don't miss the early runs this time.

I have the video done, but it needs a song, and I can't find one. I know as a DJ it should be easy right, WRONG, it makes it harder. I analyze everything too much.

How about "I can't drive 55" ?

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If work was not a necessity I would have gone but its not letting up but in fact getting busier if that is possible. I will be out for Clean up and I want to make the 31st. I have missed to many trips this year and need to make up some lost dunes. Glad to see everyone enjoyed their trip. Awesome!

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  On 3/5/2012 at 6:20 AM, Rap_Rider said:

My Video, didn't take any video specific shots so mostly general riding clips here.

Where is the "Old Guys Rule" for Terry and his music... lol I'm surprised you didnt suggest Greatfully Dead or something, lol

Why do I feel like I watched a "Rave" from beneath the sub-frame of a Raptor? You may want to check up on that "Old guy music" it sure as hell fits a ride video better then electric/techno stuff. You have been doing to many teeny bopper gigs dude!

Nice video Adam (well cept for the soundtrack:) I envy your ability to make videos, something I just haven't figured out yet. Nice job and BTW old guys do rule!!!!!!!

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like it said, I hate picking music for videos. makes it really hard since i am more of an Electronic listner vs a rocker. I looked for a newer rock song but couldn't find one i liked and made sense.

One day i want to take some specific video shots with other guys and their Gopros in different locations, and really edit down multiple angles to a specific song so it all molds together. it takes a while to edit it, but looks sweet.

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  On 3/6/2012 at 12:25 AM, shaw said:

Were is the mine located ? I would like to make a trip to them on the clenup weekend.

It's over by Little Dumont.

Here ya go. I made a Google map with some markers on it. Zoom in or out to see exactly where it is in relation to the dunes.

<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=216857937271360156497.0004ba8916f2aa8959590&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=35.636267,-116.275821&spn=0.004177,0.006866&z=17&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=216857937271360156497.0004ba8916f2aa8959590&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=35.636267,-116.275821&spn=0.004177,0.006866&z=17&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Dumont Dunes</a> in a larger map</small>

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