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DDR meet & eat #1 (Vegas/ Henderson people)


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Who in the Vegas or Hendo area wants to meet up, grab some grub and shoot the sh*t? Let's try and make this a weekly or every other week event for DDR. It gives us duners a chance to hang out and see each other over the spring & summer months and might even be able to get to know some new faces.

Tuesday, April 24, 7:00PM

The Chicken Shack

4606 East Sunset Road

Henderson, NV 89014

Green Valley Town Center III‎

(702) 456-2669


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It was a good turnout. Sanddunesaddict, ISBB, vegas style, chadwick, tattooed whiteboy, ynot, Joe Duer, duniemonkie and me.

I can see this being a fun thing to do every other week. The chicken shack was pretty good. The wings were better than the fingers I thought.

So where's the next meet & eat going to be?

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I won't be making that one. I have to have some major body work done and don't think i will be ready for an outing. Maybe a month from now, it was a good time though. Always good to see friends anytime. My congrats to Nick and his wife and his little package that's a brewing!

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