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DDR meet & eat #3 (Vegas) Amigos Tacos - Thursday 5-24


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This is for this Thursday (5-24) at 6:30PM

Please post up if you are planning to make out

Amigos Tacos (Rainbow/215)

6435 S Rainbow Blvd, Ste 104

Las Vegas, NV 89118

Neighborhood: Spring Valley


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I will be out till Thursday night or Friday Morning. Heading back home to hit the River for the weekend. Lets parta.

Right on Jack. Hope to see ya Thursday then!

I should be able to make this one...

are you going to call and make reservations... :lol:

I know huh? hahahaa

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I think that this Amigos Tacos has changed to a Robertos, but they are pretty much the same, if this is the one next to my favorite sushi place, Kobe Sushi Bistro.

Ok, cool. As long as there's some tacos there we'll be good.

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