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A weekend offshore run

Ross and Alice

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Late Sept thru mid October the Pacific Coast is swarming with Dolphins.

Channel Islands is an easy place to spot them, and a run to Catalina is a sure bet you'll see plenty of them too.

3 to 8 mph when ya spot them and they'll usually run with you.

We saw hundreds of them this weekend, the wife and kids got a real kick outta if when they cruise along side the boat., but:


Everytime the wife snapped the camera, the Dolphins had just ducked under the water. Alice's Olympus has a 5 second delay, and we just couldn't time it. You can vagely make them out under the water right center of pic.

I think using a film type camera is the trick, then copy the pix to disc.

We spent the weekend boating off Channel Islands.

Excellent weather.

We launched at The CI Harbor ramp on Victoria.

Nice, easy,,, peacefull, no sweat launching. Easy parking and retrieval. Plenty of $5 parking.

We have closed system cooling on our engines, so salt flowing through the engines veins is no issue.


The Mandlay Beach resort (no affilation with the 'Vegas Mandlay Bay) is just minutes away from the launch ramp, and it's nice, not too pricy.

Nice staying there for a fun, easy weekend.


The crotch strap on kids vests is essential, especially if you're towing them on a tube & they fall off and go skimming across the water at 30 MPH, You'll wish you did. If they give you the: " I don't want a baby vest", then that's a good time to exert your authority of who's raising who.

We love riding the swells in to shore.

We get the boat pointed toward the beach, and as big rollers come in we kick it in the a$$ & catch a ride on the face of one.

Our supercharged engines lite up the HP, no lag or spool-up time, just a hot load of quick power gets us 0 to 60 instantly = a blast riding the waves in, then a quick 90 degree turn before it breaks,, surf the swell, another 90 deg turn, get the boat airborn jumping over the swell and back out to sea.


A roller on approach, we surf them into shore.

RD's adversion to sharks I can understand. On this location about 15 years ago, some friends and other boaters and I came upon a Kayackers body that had been attacked by a shark.


A big Cigarette boat passed us outside the Harbor entrance.

Next run will be a family cross channel run to Catalina.

My wife Alice is the sweetest, kindest person you will ever meet.

She never tow'd before she met me, yet alone back the trailer and launch/retrieve the boat, and she's real good at it now.

Just drop her off on the beach, and in minutes she's backing down the ramp:

Edited by Ross and Alice
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It had Cigarrette written on the side.

Stinking camera, so slow I wasnt able to get any more pix.

We we're doing 60 at one time, and it idel'd by at a leisurely 100.

If I had the cash,,,,,

I had the same problem with our Olympus, which we've had for a couple of years, and changed the setting to sports on our last outing....it takes an immediate picture now. :barf:

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I dont have a sports mode on mine so its just pray it snaps at the right time... if im trying to get a sequence shot ill use the multi burst but after 2 pictures the camera trys to catch up... so im saving my pennies for a Digital SLR.. only about $1300 bucks in equiptment but ddr will have pictures like a professional.. :D

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