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Thanks to all


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I wanted to thank you all who have come to the shop that i work at. Iam glad that I have been able to help save any of you anymoney and hopefully i have been able to give you all a good deal. I do thank you all for your support at my shop, i know that the company isnt easy to work with at times, but i went to bat for for all DDR Members and you all have showed me and the company that it is worth it.


Sports West (now Ride Now)...221-9762

sorry pete i didnt know exactly where to post this.


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Cole, the shop seems to have a different approach to customer service which is great. There actually is some customer service :D . I bought a new bike and I swore that I would never by a new bike in this town again, after dealing with all the in town dealers poor customer service :woo_hoo: . I only hope, that the service I recived from your shop, will continue to be as good as it was the day I purchased my new bike :flipoff:

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