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Sand Sports Magazine Ride Thanksgiving Weekend


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Come on out and ride with Sand Sports Magazine from Dumont Dunes South pole, through the dunes to the North pole. Saturday November 24th at 2 PM immediately following the Dumontduneriders.com meet and greet. When we get to the North pole, I will take some group photos that will be sent to the magazine. This will not be an aggressive ride but one suitable for those who at least have the basic duning skills to negotiate the dunes. Those with small kids and beginners are free to make their way to the North pole at their own pace and are welcome in the group photos. Let's see how long of a group train we can make! I will have some swag to hand out and it should be fun duning with others who love the dunes.

Again, Saturday Nov 24th @ 2PM Dumont South pole.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/26/2012 at 5:49 AM, desertrider71 said:

We enjoyed the ride Neal. Great turnout !Thanks for setting it up.

Thank you and thanks to all who showed. Many more than I expected!!! We arrived at North pole with 71 vehicles. Mix of every type including Bert and his life saving Tracker!! I'm still at the dunes for a couple of days so when I get home, I'll make the photos available for free. I also have some video. My friend Steve had a helmet cam and I attached a GoPro to one of the buggys at the end of the line. I'll also do a little writeup and send it and the pictures to the Magazine.

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I have some crappy regular old sandproof digital pics of part of the train from near the end. In one of them we are still on the west side of comp and you can see the beginning or near beginning of the line up by banshee. If I get time tonight I will post. It was fun to see from the front seat of a friend's car. :)

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I knew the line was long but to see it stretch that far,,,damn. I would peek every now and then but I was very concerned with picking good lines since I didn't know the experience levels of everyone. I have some video but haven't looked at it yet. Thanks for getting some shots on the go!

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  • 6 months later...

Just though I would let you guys know that the article and photos from the ride should be in the issue released around July 17th. I included a bunch of photos so it will be a surprise to me also which ones get printed. One good thing is that this issue is the one that they give away free at the Sand Sports Super Show in September. If anything changes, I'll post an update.

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  • 1 month later...

I got to look at an advanced copy of the magazine and the article looks great. Due out in a few days. There is even one picture from Sand Chick in there. They did use a panoramic shot I made to try to get the whole crowd so if you see yourself, post up!

If your attending the Sand Sports Super Show in September, this is the issue they give away for free.

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