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Fatality at comp, Thanksgiving weekend 11-24-12


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how is it not the sand rails fault the rail came down a hill at high speed and jumped into a area that is used as parking and the, coming and going

Let me preface this by saying I did not/do not know anyone involved in this accident. I did see the events leading up to the impact. There was NO jump involved. A wheelie yes. Speed about 35-45mph.

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Stacey, I knew Craig on an acquaintance level, but still knew he was a great guy. Sorry for your loss. I was in shock when I heard it was him. Prayers out to all affected. I have to say, personally knowing someone killed out there puts it all in perspective. It's hard to hear someone dies out there anyways. RIP Craig

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Me, my wife and kids, had just the left side of comp. We had been watching the cars and messing around between the cut and the left side of comp. We didn't even make it to the finger when the rangers went by. Little different timing and we could have been right in the middle of this. Condolences to the family and RIP fellow Duner.

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Stacey, Family & Friends of Craig,

We will never know why this happened at this location or time. Angels are created every day, every minute, and every second. Sometimes they are taken from us by tragic accidents. Pointing blame is not doing anyone justice; leave this to the detectives/police.

I was lucky enough to meet Craig a little over a month ago at a house gathering. He accompanied Stacey and we shared many laughs. Craig was very polite, fun, and shared a few laughs with us. I am glad that I took a few moments to ask him how he was doing; we shared stories about riding and our next trip. I don’t recall all the details of our conversation; he definitely loved riding.

To be taken from this world by a tragic accident leaves the living heartbroken; but reality is – Craig left this world loving what he enjoyed doing. His last memories are of Mother Nature, friends, and family. In honor of Craig, I think the best thing we all can do is be more cautious.

Stacey, It's been hard for me losing my father and a friend (Fellow Duner). Camping brings me a sense of peace; knowing this is something I did with both of them. I know it’s hard for you right now to go to Dumont – But when you are ready; I will be there to take you. We can hop into one of our vehicles and do a day trip. We can sit at comp-hill until you feel a sense of peace or just to cry. I am here for you. Mauh xoxoxoxox

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanksgiving was our first time ever in the sand and our group was very good at watching for quads or other rails, we would radio each other along the way if whoever was in front came up on anyone. also when we were at comp hill we were constantly on our radios telling each other where other riders were to the person actually going up comp hill. We did this during the Day as well as the night.

We did see a lot of people going all over the place on Comp Hill, our friend told us about the right to left pattern before we got there so we knew, but if we had not gone with him we might have not known and been one of those going the wrong way.

We did see a lot of near misses, we honestly did not do Comp Hill at night because of the amount of Quads and RZRs on the hill we didn't want to get into any accidents, so we just hung out and watched everyone having fun.

Maybe erect some signs about the directions on comp hill, also some warning signs to remind people to watch their speeds??? signs could be places at the north and south poles as well as a reminder.

Sorry to hear about the loss and our respects to the family and friends

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I would give a little update on this. Its been a couple months now, still having a really hard time with this loss. I have been unable to return to the dunes yet. I know I will one day, but definately not on a busy weekend, for now. The CHP did finally finish their report recently and they are recommending the rail driver be charged with vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence. He wont do any hard time, but Im am glad he will be held accountable for his actions. Craig will get some kind of justice for losing his life because of someones wreckless driving.........

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Its my understanding he will be charged, at least thats the recommendation of CHP to the DA's office.

1. Penal Code 192© PC Vehicular Manslaughter (Not Involving Drugs or Alcohol)

California’s vehicular manslaughter laws punish acts of driving that kill another person because the driver

  1. drives in an unlawful way,
  2. drives in a lawful but dangerous way, or
  3. knowingly causes the accident for financial gain (which can also be prosecuted under California’s automobile insurance fraud laws).2

1.1. Examples

Prosecutors are likely to charge you with Penal Code 192© if, for example, you killed another person while you

  • were speeding,3
  • were texting or talking on your cell phone without the assistance of a hands-free device,4
  • drove into a crosswalk and killed a pedestrian (for example if you were making a right turn and only looked to your left for oncoming cars, neglecting to see the pedestrians crossing on your right),5 or
  • were staging an accident that resulted in an unintentional death.

If there is evidence that you were drinking alcohol or taking drugs…but hadn’t consumed enough to make you legally "under the influence"…this would be a more appropriate charge than Penal Code 191.5(b) PC California’s vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated law.

<a name="1.2">1.2. Penalties

Penal Code 192© vehicular manslaughter is what’s known as a "wobbler". This means district attorneys have the discretion to charge this crime as either a felony or a misdemeanor. They usually decide this based on

  1. the facts of the case, and
  2. your criminal history.

If convicted of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter, you face up to one year in a county jail. If convicted of felony vehicular manslaughter, you face anywhere from two to ten years in the state prison.6

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  • 8 months later...

Love or hate my opinion I could care less. If your in a Sandcar you could jump somewhere in the middle of the dunes, jumping at comp. whatever the time tells me your showing off, I have a nice Sandcar I wouldn't jump the lip at comp. think about it when your on a quad the first thing you do at comp is park at the lip or around it. Somebody's little boy or girl is enjoying their life riding their atv and you take the risk at other people's exspense to do something stupid to make your insecure personality confirmed to yourself and the world. Retarded. I do like big weekends but I'm thinking of off weekends because of the less percentage of douchebags in the dunes at one time. I didn't know the driver or Craig but I will say I feel for both sides of the issue but it isn't right , this accident could have been prevented if they were in the middle of the dunes with spotters, not a high traffic area like comp.

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Well since this came back up I decided to contact Craig's sister for an update. To my surprise, the guy that killed him has a warrant out for his arrest but no one has picked him up. Perhaps budgets or low hanging fruit in the police eyes but this guy is out there. He could even still be going to Dumont. So in the event you see him, call the sheriff. They should be out there on the big weekends. His warrant is for vehicular manslaughter. I'll post his info but do not recommend or endorse any contact or harassment. You could get in trouble. But if you see him, I'm sure the police would arrest him. His sister is pissed off about him roaming free. She wrote this to me (printed with permission):

"Hi Neal, last time I checked, which was last month, a warrant was out for his arrest still and he had not been picked up. I called asking why don't they go pick him up at his business or home and they said they do warrant busts every once in a while, which is absolutely ridiculous. The thought of that guy out at Dumont again and the anniversary of Craig's death right around the corner is just tearing me up and just makes me so sick. I hope he feels bad enough to never go out there again, but I doubt that's the case. I'll let you know when I hear something more. I can't sit around much longer and wait for them to pick him up. I've been having such a hard time dealing with my brothers death that's it's almost unbearably to think about. But I'm going to have to do something soon and make a trip and hopefully they will pick him up if I'm there."

I told her there would be hundreds of eyes looking if I posted this info up. Again, I really don't recommend having any contact with this guy. I'm just posting open publicly available content.

Warrant Link for San Bernardino case number FBA1300223:


His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.smith.313924

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This makes me sick to my stomach. I just dont understand knowing there is a warrant out for his arrest since April, he is able to go about his life like nothing happened. I still struggle with this loss just about everyday. I went back to Dumont for the first time Oct 5th to grieve and make some kind of peace with this. As much as can be anyways. It was very hard and emotional. I loved Craig dearly.

So im curious, if he has a warrant out for his arrest, could someone technically make a citizens arrest? I want this guy to be held accountable for his actions. Looking at posts on his FB he has just gone on with his life after Craig lost his. Reading this tonight has really shocked me and opened the wound up all over again. PLEASE CALI PEOPLE HELP BRING THIS GUY TO JUSTICE. It certainly doesnt look like the cops are going to.

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