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Dune in June (2013) ride report


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What a great turnout! It was an awesome 5 hours of duning today with a couple minor mishaps, but nothing too major.

It was about 76 degrees when we pulled in at 5:30 and we stayed until about 10:30 when it reached about 100°. There was a real nice steady breeze all morning long and it never once felt too warm. I think we got 3-4 good rides in. Some of the group split off and did their own thing, but most of the time we had a pretty good size train of quads.

The minor mishaps:

1) Dune Cruzer took a pretty bad spill after launching off a good size razorback. He took a line 3-4 ft to the right of where sandslug went over and must have come in a little too hot. It was a pretty big drop and he landed sideways blowing out 3 of his 4 tires. There was a little damage to the plastics and he got a little beat up. His leg got hurt but he was able to still walk. It was a miracle he didn't get seriously hurt. After some help from the H Town guys, we got his tires aired back up. He wasn't up to riding back so someone else rode his quad back and he hitched a ride with desertdweller. That was a bummer that it happened so early. It was about half way through our 1st ride almost to the north pole. He got loaded up and headed home because he was sore. Heal up bud!

2) Sand YFZ pretty much jumped Banshee Hill! :dayum::laughing: Me, him and sandslug were racing up Banshee Hill when Aaron came up on a nasty 10-12 ft drop off with a witches eye that blended right into the the hill. He glanced back at Mike wondering why he was slowing down, looked back and he was at the edge. Luckily he had a good amount of speed still and he flew right off the edge completely clearing the nasty part. He landed hard and busted his chin open on the bars. He also burned his leg on the pipe. We were happy he was ok for the most part. It could have been really bad. Here's the best part- Mike had my Go Pro rolling on his helmet and caught the whole thing. I'll post up a clip.

Just goes to show how dangerous those dunes are in the summertime. They can bite back pretty hard and you gotta be extremely cautious.

Despite the couple crashes, we all had a blast. It was good having Bert back out with us on the quads. Felt like the old days. The June dune rideswere awesome, the company was great, and the weather cooperated very well. I have a ton of video and a few pics but here are a few cel phone photos first.

loaded up at the gas station


Some awesome dunes



At the end of the day I was all smiles


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Awesome Day. Felt good to swing a leg back over a bike and that the bike ran good is a plus as well.

Pretty sore but well worth it and made it home alive. I had a lot of fun guys. Hope Aaron and Dune Cruzer feel better.

We will have to do it again soon.

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Boy that was a rough video to watch. Pretty rough ride home, going solo, holding my rib cage the entire way. Hurts like a MOFO! Got home, and went straight to the ER. CT scan, and several chest x-rays later revealed no internal damage. Deep bruising is what I came away with. Doc says I may develop a hairline fracture in my lower rib within a week. I was sure I broke one, or at least fractured one. Got some Valium, Percocet, and Motrin pain meds. They're gonna go fast.

Nice footage of the crash Rap_Rider. You got the good stuff. I'll make sure to never ride near you again! SAND YFZ, sorry to hear of your incident. I hope you heal up fast as well. Thanks for the well wishes Dunefreak & Sanddunesaddict. H-Town, you guys rock! Got my tires aired back up enough to get my bike back to the truck. I really appreciate all the help from ALL of you guys, getting me back to camp, and loading all my junk. Never met most of you guys until today, and you guys were awesome in helping me out. I can't thank you guys enough. It's nice to know there are still some good people in this world.

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Fuggin Adam. Bam, nasty crash. 2 seconds later, "that sucked. do you want some water?". :think: wtf? :laughoff:

Great video though. You always capture the nasty sh*t. Now nobody is ever going to ride in front of you again.

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Just woke up a little bit ago. Took a mega power nap. Probably gonna be up all night now. haha

Here's the video of Aaron going off the drop off. If you're wondering what he walks over to pick up, it's his shoe. :laughoff: Yep, he never wears boots and won't ever listen to us. :slap:

Not sure why it didn't process as wide screen. The preview looks like it is but then plays narrow. :think:

The slow-mo is at 2:02

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That could have been me :shocked: ... i learned 2 things

1) look out !

2) bring spares or airs ...

I rode the tracks south of town, what a rock filled mess. :atv:

Found better riding on west side hills, back to dry lake bed in am since its my Day !

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Im totally fine. Little sore but im good . After watching the other wreck I realized mine was minor in comparison. I slammed hard more than anything..rode it out like a boss..hahaha..I dont want that to over shadow what a epic day of riding we had..It was like old times again riding with Mike , Pete and Bert..We shredded that virgin sand.I was pinned in 5th looking for another gear many times...Pete leads a damn good dune ride like always..Hit some nice jumps. The weather was really nice. The wind kept it fairly cool. My new yfz ran really good and handles awesome. Even survived a cliff jump lol. All in all my mistake could have been 100% worse. I felt lucky to have all my teeth and no broken bones. Pete is like a Level 1 EMT and tapedmy chin back together haha..Super fun trip..It was nice meeting everyone who showed up. If u didnt u missed a great day of riding.

Edited by Sand_YFZ
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  On 6/16/2013 at 8:21 AM, flavtfan said:

Nasty drop on top of banshee, dont think ive seen it like that before. Looks like yall had a blast though

Ive never seen anything like that either. Usually there are big bathtubs at the top but ive never seen it drop off like that and so far down. It caught me totally by surprise. That being said I know better than to just bomb up that hill without doing a test pass to check it out..Got careless and paid for it. That wont happen again I know that.

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Yeah pretty crazy. On my last trip in march before I deployed we were in a group going pretty fast and a guy bit it over a drop like the first vid..he was unconscious for a bit. After my big wreck im a little more cautious than I was....cant wait to get home and maybe make a morning run

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Here's some pix

Loaded up and ready to roll at 4AM


pulling in at 5:30


sun was starting to creep up over the mountain range


everyone quickly geared up to ride


a couple introductions


...and we were off into the sand


a quick stop at the top of comp for a couple shots




The dunes were awesome.


Then dune cruzer crashed :( That was a helluva distance that he flew!



We all kinda started an each other for a while trying to figure out a game plan.


Then H Town Mike and Dale were there to the rescue with a nitrogen tank to air up his 3 blown out tires.


H Town Dale always getting put to work! haha


Then a couple of dune runs later we stopped for some jumps.
















some chose just to watch









Then after doing a good long loop around the south pole and whoops behind the mountain range, I decided it was time for a good technical challenge, We rode the razorback ridges all the way to one of the tallest peaks. Some peeled off to camp, some followed. I always enjoy the views from up there.





The DDR's were the only ones there.


Then Aaron launched off the invisible Banshee Hill dune



Chadwick and Rap Rider coming up Banshee Hill to see what all the commotion was about.


At 10:30 we headed out. Chadwick was pooped, but naps are a normal part of his day anyways. :laughing:


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All the photos are here. I didn't copy and paste every single jump photo so there are more.

And if anyone would like a high quality print or download with a watermark, I made them available on my photo site as well. http://www.actionshutter.net/SandSports-1/Dune-in-June-6-15-2013/30015736_vZqw6x#!i=2578446397&k=MtrmPrn

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