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Dune in June (2013) ride report


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Uneditted video 2. that ended with Dune_Cruzer's crash.


My Gopro was having issues, and the heal guard views were lost when the video card vibrated out of the camera. I also discovered the brand new case is already almost broke apart. Pretty disappointed in my Gopro these days.

Youtube screwed up my video report video, it messed with the songs I put on there. Time to try a new edit and see. Maybe I need to start a Vimeo account.

Edited by Rap_Rider
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Cool ride video, Adam! Wow, that ride sure looks about 87 times easier and mellower when you're following 5 other quads with some tracks already laid down. Then again that was the first ride of the day. Pretty cool to watch though. :headbang1:

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The video always slows it down, and makes everyone look spread out. It's one reason I like the heal guard view, as it looks much more active, fast, and fun then the old helmet view.

For just a run video though, that one wins hands down. with the sun coming up, and the lines it looks sweet.

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Looks like you guys made a good day of it, after a couple mishaps. Sorry about your wreck Aaron. Looks like you pulled it off much better then I did. You popped right off to grab your shoe. I was definitely seeing stars like Pete said. I'll be back out there again, probably try & make the next Dune in June trip, providing the date works out out. Since Adam is cursed, I'll make sure to not have him follow me, or vice versa. LOL

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Having the camera on your helmet seeing the visor with the quad moving around underneath reminds me of a first person shooter type game. I felt I could steer you around if I only had a joystick. Nice video, the dunes look great.

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Awesome day in the sand minus the mishaps. Just glad everyone was ok for the most part. Great pics.

I am sooo itching for some traveling with four wheels and sand under me now.

July 4th can't come fast enough for our Coral Pink trip!

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