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I will answer your questions in order: I am, Don't Know, Fun, No, Yes and Yes, Usually No.

Pismo is on literally on the beach in central CA, Normally doesn't get over 80 degrees, it rarely gets upwards of 90-95. There are about 3500 acres of open riding area that can get quite crowded and choppy. The dunes are smaller in size compared to Dumont and there is not a lot of room to get a high powered rail up to speed out there. Great place for quads, bikes, and side by sides.

Huckfest will probably be very busy, if your going to make the trip, get your overnight reservations booked now because they do have a capacity for overnight camping.

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i will be there for the week 21-26. last i heard the overnight passes were sold out.( might be able to find one on craigslist) looks like it will be a party. I'm camping by myself so far.. let me know if anyone else is camping wouldnt mind some company. newly if you go check in with me to see if i need a tow. i have been known to frame it ...duh!


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Hey Steve, I might try and find you out there on Saturday if it's ok with you. Looks like it will just me and Tami, I'd like to at least park the trailer with someone I barely know and have probably only met in person once before, rather than drop everything wherever we can and hope for the best. :laughing:

If you don't mind of course.

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  • 4 weeks later...

No huckfest for me busted the XP and I'm not doing pismo with no ride. Still have my reseervations 21-27 not sure if they are transferable if they are they are up for bid!! because camping has been sold out for months!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick video I took to show the crowds, this only shows about half of the crowd. I'm curious to hear the estimates.

Again, I hate to complain about a free event, but a lot of people seem to be in the same boat. The event seemed extremely disorganized. There was no "timeline" for the trucks jumping. They seemed to just go whenever they felt like it. Seemed like there was 20-30 mins between jumps with a few sessions with trucks going about every 5 mins. I know FE135 (Neal Rideout) was out there, maybe he can share his thoughts since he was probably more in the mix. I couldn't see the staging area from where we were so I don't know how they were setting up for the jump.

My :2cents: would be to have the trucks run once every minute. Wait until they are clear of the landing zone and out of the way then send the next one. Even if the event only lasts an hour, it would be a lot more fun to watch!

Now, as much as the event sucked, I had a great time watching all the idiots and cool stuff driving around. It was like being at comp or Gecko drags. There were trucks getting stuck all over the place, there was a badass mid 90's cumming diesel truck laying down some good ET's through the rows, dumping black exhaust, everyone went wild when he lit it up.

There was another 70's black shortbed chevy with what sounded like a race motor getting on it a bunch, that thing sounded so good. Must have been a used race motor out of a stock car.

BJ Baldwin was cruising around in his pre-runner and tried to get up a super steep dune next to the fence line blocking off the vegetation. Well, he made it about 2/3 of the way up and stopped, backed it down, took out the fence and drove off. Class act bro! Could have at least got out and laid the 40' of fencing back in place instead of leaving it on the face of the dune.

I would not go back for the event, but I would go back to watch all the crazies. We left before it was over to avoid the crowd, it was about 2:30 and we didn't want to get stuck in the mayhem of everyone trying to leave at the same time. It was already a mess just finding a spot to watch.

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with that kind of attendance you can bet they get bigger sponsors next year and maybe a better run event. it still feels like they are making it up as they go. i say do one at dumont jan/feb start a every 6 month thing. (bet blm would f--- it up though)

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Well, I'll throw my observation out there. The organizers did an outstanding job. Hard to believe I would say that but when you consider all of the curve balls the park police threw down over and over, they needed a case of beer after the event. Every little hiccup with the crowd, airspace, fence, anything caused the police to shut it down. They were excessively strict! Hell, I accidentally departed my little bitty press box by a toe length and got the wrath of the press nazi who was watching us ALL DAY!!!! Someone in the far off distance had their arms over the fence and that caused a shutdown. A radio control airplane got to close to our airspace and shutdown. All those drones with gopros look like predator birds to the Snowy Plover, BAM, SHUTDOWN!!! Drivers meeting at 0730 delayed till about 0900 by park police for all sorts of what I would call anal reasons. Someone got on their control radio frequency and called a red light during a attempted jump. Someone else was messing with them badly on the radio several times. All those idiots who jumped the fence or decided to drive through and all the so called media fakes who would just walk up and claim they were with MTV or some random organization without a freaking camera or vest, SHUTDOWN!

Look, the organizers complied with everything. Had plans, time schedules and a monster truck to fill some gaps but had no way of anticipating just how strict the park police would be and other variables such as BJ Baldwin creating his own mini event and not listening to them trying to get him to stop or even stopping the the event because two helicopters were in the area and OMG, do they know about the other one?? They were even guessing the altitude of one and stopping things if they thought he was too low. Guessing mind you! Doesn't matter that they are adhering to established VFR flight rules and are on the same frequency and have altimeters or anything. Absolutely fun sucking over reaching strict!

On another note, had fun, meet some big wigs in the magazine world and got some awesome photos. Next stop Idaho.

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Neal, thanks for the update! I'm glad it was other issues and not the organizers fault. Sounds like they did a great job of killing the fun for everyone! I don't think half the people that were there this year will be back!

It's too bad, it has the potential to be a great event!

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Tami just brought up a good point that we only saw one park ranger all day cruising through the rows! That's where all the craziness was happening! I guess they too busy making the event a pain in the a$$ to the organizers and hoping it won't come back!

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We waited in line to get on the beach for about an hour. We got turned off of Grand by CHP before the railroad tracks where they sent us over to the Pier Entrance, the line was backed up to the bridge. We waited there for about 45 mins. About 1/4 mile from turning left onto Pier, they shut down that entrance and sent us back up hwy 1 to Grand. We were backed up for about 1 mile from turning left onto Grand so we waited in that line for another 30 mins. Finally got through the Grand Entrance after about an hour and a half. And the lines were backed up for miles on hwy 1 and Grand Ave. It was nuts. They had caltrans signs as we left that said no more vehicles allowed on the beach.

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must mean the economy is kicking or something since people are taking the time to venture out again(although it seems the rangers will cause a lot of people to not want to go to another one, shame for the businesses that benefitted) Wonder if Dumont will see an influx of people this year?

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A couple things about Pismo that you should know.

1. You need to take what ever rig you bring there i.e. Toyhauler truck ect. onto the beach and off load.

2. It's always pretty windy so most veterans bring plywood and set it on the ocean side of your rig to keep the sand from blowing under and on every thing in the camp site.

3, if you don't have 4 wheel drive and pull a big rig you could have problems.

4. and yes it will be crowded with allot of people who let's say are not "Duners"



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