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Toyhaulers/RV's in storage


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Ok so im wondering who has their stuff in a storage facility? Im putting mine is one soon as I get it back tomorrow. But im wondering, how does anyone go about pluggin there haulers/rv's in say to run your fridge and get everything charged and ready for a trip?????

the place im renting a spot from doesnt offer any kind of hookups!!!!! :laughoff:

I found one place in the phone book that offers hookups, but im betting they are really expensive. I was trying to stay fairly close to my house in case I wanna take a day trip to apex or someplace in town.

any info would be appreciated!!!! :laughoff:

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You think im f*ckin kidding... If i was in your situation i would find the closest parking spot to my condo and drag an extention cord... They arent going to tow your sh*t for parking there one night!!!

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I see how the condo parking lot might be an issue. There really isn't always room for a hauler in those spots. :laughoff:

Stacey....I'd just go to the storage place 2-3 days before a trip and turn on the main power switch, propane, and fridge. Then the fridge should be nice and cold by the time you are ready to leave. Just make sure you don't leave any lights or anything else on to run the battery down. Then, like Joe said, when you are ready to go, your truck will charge the battery on the hauler when you plug in the trailer plug. :laughoff:

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I see how the condo parking lot might be an issue. There really isn't always room for a hauler in those spots. :laughoff:

Stacey....I'd just go to the storage place 2-3 days before a trip and turn on the main power switch, propane, and fridge. Then the fridge should be nice and cold by the time you are ready to leave. Just make sure you don't leave any lights or anything else on to run the battery down. Then, like Joe said, when you are ready to go, your truck will charge the battery on the hauler when you plug in the trailer plug. :laughoff:

maybe the batteries I have are bad or something. Cause when it was sitting in the back yard where it used to be. If I let it sit to long, the batteries got really low, and then my voltage reg thingy (yes im blonde) would start screaming, and completely drain the battery. what do you mean by turn on the main power switch pete?? you mean just the propane right? to run the fridge? im learning as I go, so no comments from the peanut gallery on this please. :laughoff:

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You should have a main battery disconnect switch you usually turn that off so your batteries dont drain while its stored!!

really? like I said, im learning as I go along. Johnnie walker never told me about a battery disconnect!! but then I never asked either. what can I say, im :laughoff: I guess. Maybe someone could point that out to me at the dunes this weekend? derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

thanks for the info nick, im a :laughoff:

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I think we found the reason the batteries keep getting low. In the last couple trailers we've had, it's a silver push/pull switch in the compartment that has the power cord.

ill check that out in mine when i get it back tomorrow. thanks for the info!!

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you nver knew about the main disconnect switch???

ok I'm just kidding and giving you sh*t. :laughoff:

But seriously, there is the main switch for all electrical power to the hauler. You are SUPPOSSED to turn it off while in transit. Most people don't though. I keep mine off whenever the trailer is sitting and not in use.

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I JUST PUT DRY ICE IN MINE A WEEK EARLY THAT KEEPS THE FRIDGE COLD,,,,,BERRRR,,OH YA LEAVE THE GEN RUNNING AFTER YOU DROP IT OFF AND TOP IT OFF EVERY TUESDAY!!!!! :shocked: :smoker: :angry2: :stirthepot::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::watching::flipoff: :redhat: :finger::finger::finger: :dunce: :thumb::slap::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff: :fro:

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Stacey, I keep mine in storage and it sucks!!! When I first got the TH I called every storage place in town with RV storage and 99% of them didn't have any spaces open. So good luck on finding a storage place thats available, I also have to pay these bastards 130.00 per month! As far as the batteries go mine go dead everytime I go pick my trailer up so I have to pick up the batteries and give them a charge before I can enjoy my weekend. Somebody's going to have to show me that cut off switch because charging the bateries everytime sucks, I thought there was someting wrong but I could never firgure it out. :angry2:

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