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time to upgrade my toyhauler stereo & outside speakers


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It's time. In fact, it has been time for many years as you can see by the pics. My outside speakers have been blown for years and the factory China CD/DVD/radio/TV tuner/coffee maker piece of crap has been working off and on and required a good punch in order for any sound to come out of it. Then when it did work, the volume controls would sometimes not. It was very frustrating so I've had a Kenwood receiver and speakers being used in the meantime. Well that's annoying because I have to run the generator if I want tunes. Not only that it was a mess of wires and I am over it all. Time to get with the program and install something from this decade.

The China CD/DVD/radio/TV tuner/coffee maker piece of crap. Note the tape that is holding the DVD door closed. lol


To cover the giant that the old unit occupied, I cut a piece of aluminum and wrapped it in Weddle swag for now. It's temporary until I decide what to do with it, but I kinda like it. lol Then I installed a Pioneer deck. Technology has come a long ways over the past few years. For not much money, this thing came with Bluetooth to sync to my phone to listen to Spotify, XM, mp3s, Pandora, etc. Then it also has a USB port that allows for a flash drive mp3 input and it has a mixer built in. I installed an audio cable to the front AUX jack for the TV/DVD audio so I can make use of the speakers when watching movies or whatever.



The outside speakers were toast...literally. The sun had baked them beyond crispy. I replaced them with some Pioneer 6-1/2's. Nothing fancy but they sound damn good.



New speakers


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