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Dune in June trip report, 2015


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It was a great morning shredding those crazy smooth summer dunes. We had a couple close calls but no major mishaps. We got there just after 5 am and it was a gorgeous 80 degrees. The wind blew nice and steady all morning and kept things cool. We ended up staying there until about 11:30 am and then got the hell out. The wind subsided some and it got hot really quick! It was 110° when we left. My car did awesome as usual. It ran strong as hell and it even stayed under 190° all morning. Another successful Dune in June trip in the books! Thanks to dentboy for the shot. I'll get the rest up later once I go through them all. Pretty sure I got some good ones.

Thanks to everyone who came out. Great meeting some new faces and duning with you all.


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rolling in at 5AM mother nature greeted us with a sweet slice of moon




everyone getting unloaded






quick stop to regroup everyone



sweet sand





Adam's RZR


jw06trx450's RZR












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What a cool trip. Myself and the guys I was with look forward to the future trips. This one motivated us to go home and get the rest of the toys ready. Everyone out there was super cool and we didn't feel like outcasts even with it being our first time out with the Dumont Dune Riders. The dunes were perfect. The trip is about all any of us are still talking about on our end. The pictures from Pete couldn't be better! Thanks for a good trip!

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Pete, great photo's and awesome job on the video. You had your work cut out for you leading a ride during the summer and killed it! Had a great time and was impressed with the rzr since this was our first dune trip with it. I think I have been trying to catch up with sleep Sunday.

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Thanks Jason. Those summer dune are always interesting. So many of our usual lines were non-existent on Sunday.

I hear ya on the sleep. I was cool until I was almost home. I usually don't nap after early summer runs but this one I crashed for about 4 hours when I got home. Then my sleep schedule got all jacked up. Worth it though. :driver:

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Epic ride, Awesome video! Thanks for saving the day on the almost slow roller crash . Props to side by side guy I have never seen a belt changed so fast. Looking forward to the next ride already!

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  On 6/26/2015 at 8:47 AM, ItsWeeks said:

I think I'm ready to do an evening into night ride. Get there with an hour of sunlight to scope the dunes out then get some night riding in.

Riding those dunes at night would be super sketchy this time of year, not to mention HOT. Late in the day is the hottest time of day too. We did that once and it was really sketchy and never seemed to cool down after the sun went down. I think I'm gonna wait until either a break in the weather or wait it out a couple months.

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