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Disrespectful people at Dumont

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Ok....I've read enough....anymore and we'll shut this one down. The prez has already asked everyone to tone it down. Let's show a little respect for each other. :bawl:

If we can't play nice then this topic will get closed like the last one and people will be suspended from the site. I am not referring to anyone in particular. Let's take all the negative energy we have for these topics and turn it into some good.

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OK, OK OK, Now that everybody got to vent a little, or a lot lets get back to the real deal here, my hats off to everyone that showed up for this huge event!!! :laughing: do you realize what was done here, regardless of race, religion,or policital preference, Everyone showed up in tents, trailers,campers, motorhomes, blankets, sandrails, quads, 2 wheelers, 3wheelers, rhinos [they're all rhinos to me] and basically got along, and had a hell of a good time doing so :drunk: only in the good ol USA, so wake up americans, get out your calendars , tell your boss, your be miss'n a couple of days for thanks giv'n, AND HELL YA!!! LETS DO IT AGAIN :laughoff::laughoff: :fro: :laughoff::dunno:

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I think what pisssed me off the most about last weekend was all the cars and quads that think Vendor Row is supposed to be a quarter mile race track, or main street. I still have a cough from a$$hats that thought they needed to show everyone how small it is... I am a true believer of being respectful around peoples camps, trying to stay as far away from those camps as possible, and not blasting through peoples camps at mach 3. The vendor next to me did put up caution tape between my trailer and his because the people in the camps behind us kept blasting through the gap between my trailer and his. I am not sure why people think that shooting a gap between trailers and camps at high speed is cool but I had a few that thought it was a 50 mph zone. No respect at all.

Dumont is a great place to ride, be seen (if that's your deal), have fun and relax, but there needs to be more responsibility placed on the jerk offs that destroy it for the rest of us. If there is a speed limit, it needs to be enforced. If we are to pack out what we bring in, we need to be more conciencious (sp) of those around us that are leaving the trash and report them. This place is going to be like the rest of the dune closures of the past, and then what, Amargosa? Not quite big enough for 50,000 people. Respect is a thing of the past, and all because of liberal media and liberal parents that don't care enough to teach their kids respect for themselves and others around them. I for one, will pass on my respect for others to my childeren, or they won't ride until they learn. Rant off...

Edited by AlligatorP
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I think what pisssed me off the most about last weekend was all the cars and quads that think Vendor Row is supposed to be a quarter mile race track, or main street. I still have a cough from a$$hats that thought they needed to show everyone how small it is... I am a true believer of being respectful around peoples camps, trying to stay as far away from those camps as possible, and not blasting through peoples camps at mach 3. The vendor next to me did put up caution tape between my trailer and his because the people in the camps behind us kept blasting through the gap between my trailer and his. I am not sure why people think that shooting a gap between trailers and camps at high speed is cool but I had a few that thought it was a 50 mph zone. No respect at all.

Dumont is a great place to ride, be seen (if that's your deal), have fun and relax, but there needs to be more responsibility placed on the jerk offs that destroy it for the rest of us. If there is a speed limit, it needs to be enforced. If we are to pack out what we bring in, we need to be more conciencious (sp) of those around us that are leaving the trash and report them. This place is going to be like the rest of the dune closures of the past, and then what, Amargosa? Not quite big enough for 50,000 people. Respect is a thing of the past, and all because of liberal media and liberal parents that don't care enough to teach their kids respect for themselves and others around them. I for one, will pass on my respect for others to my childeren, or they won't ride until they learn. Rant off...

whoa, whoa....we wouldn't want to Offend any liberals here now, would we???? :happydrunks:

effin liberals

where do you think we are Chad, the P and R forum??? :shocked:

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I agree with happyhour! If you go on holiday weekends, be prepared for the aholes and deal with it. You should be ready to dune with your head on a swivel, looking for the next moron or kid to cut you off, and not enjoying the ride. Sounds like fun! watching people leave their trash and stay up all hours buzzing camps drunk off their azz. Being in the mass of rigs trying to leave at the same time. I for one won't be at Dumont on any big holiday weekends, only off-weekends and mid-week trips.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Moved here from back east, we only had 550 acres ( Silver Lake Dunes), no camping, only a parking lot, you guys are so spoiled and all you can do is fight and dis each other. Just kidding....only the bad apples! I started going to dumont 6 years ago. It wasn't that long ago but it sure has changed. I used to go on off weekends and I thought the finger dunes were one of the most fun duneable areas. Kind of like a sand highway to the big dunes.....an appetizer......the drink before dinner......opening that one gift on Christmas Eve........that kiss on the first date, cause next time you knew you were going to get some .....well, you know what I mean :driver::P . Maybe we should start parking between the fingers and not on them. A new rule....no camping 100' from dunes....? :shocked2: Don't know what the answer to the kids riding. Old days they didn't make little bikes and quads, so it wasn't much of an issue. Too bad little D wasn't closer. I too have gone weary of the crowds and morons....I won't go on Holidays......I get too upset and want to fight.

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:shocked2: i understand why you guys dont go on big weekend s. but i willnot let them win by stopping me and my friend from going when we want.plus as you can see by this great site if all unite maybe somehow we can help fix this. i wish we could have some kind of meeting with the rangers on the big weekend and discuss the problems with them so maybe they would inforce the rules that would make a difference. they pulled a guy in my camp over for a blue tail light instead of red .just my two cents .sorry for typo typing really not my thing

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It's all about the little ones. If they start coning off the bowls and banshee hill, then I'll have a problem.

yeah, I want my son to enjoy what we do 25 yrs from now. I wonder if BLM accepts constructive criticism???

found it!!!

it is a mail address...so copy and paste to your email


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These people really really bum me out :thumb: We love popping over the finger to go visiting. Don't take any offence peeps but, we have most of our problems with the quad people. With the big car we have now about the only safe place to go ride is by the :thumb: I think talking to the rangers is a good idea. You have to except some problems on this kinda of weekend but not the guy who feels the needs to idiol this quad for 45 mins, behind your bedroom window. (you know just to warm it up) :hello: Again NO OFFENCE . It's mostly the drunks and the newbies that screw things up. :argue:

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These people really really bum me out :thumb: We love popping over the finger to go visiting. Don't take any offence peeps but, we have most of our problems with the quad people. With the big car we have now about the only safe place to go ride is by the :thumb: I think talking to the rangers is a good idea. You have to except some problems on this kinda of weekend but not the guy who feels the needs to idiol this quad for 45 mins, behind your bedroom window. (you know just to warm it up) :hello: Again NO OFFENCE . It's mostly the drunks and the newbies that screw things up. :argue:

I think the disrespect is a problem, but what do you hope to accomplish by talking to the rangers? This is only going to cause us to have more rules. Is that what we really want?

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