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Veteran's Day


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I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest.


FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!

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I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest.


FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!

Good call Gerald! Thank a soldier as we would not have anything we have now without them!

God bless the USA and the soldiers that fight to keep our way of life possible!

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I dont agree with the war, or Bush's BS of getting all our men & women in the military over seas. I do however support all those men and women who have left their family and friends behind to do what they believe is right for our country to have the freedom we do.

So thank you !!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Yup thats right, I brought God into it!!! :beerpint:

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I dont agree with the war, or Bush's BS of getting all our men & women in the military over seas. I do however support all those men and women who have left their family and friends behind to do what they believe is right for our country to have the freedom we do.

So thank you !!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Yup thats right, I brought God into it!!! :beerpint:

The war and Bush's policies have nothing to do with our service men and women. I really hope that others don't put that stigma onto our troops (I know you didn't :beerpint:). They volunteered and have no choice where they go or who they fight. The fact is that they are there, so that the rest of us don't have to be. If we didn't have them imagine what it would be like around here..... :beerpint:

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I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest.


FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!

Well Put..Thanks to all of them :beerpint:

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  • 11 months later...

I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest.


FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!

Semper Fi!!!

Thanks to all past and present

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I have my own way of thanking the veterans, of many wars. I think about them often. In my house I have 2 flags displayed that came from my husbands father and grandfathers coffins before they were buried,

1- WWI -1-WWII. A cousin died IN Vietnam a high school friend, graduated in June 1973 Died 1974 IN Vietnam. Grandfather served in the Korean war. Just saying thanks is a start but there are no words to describe just how much these people are appreciated.


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thank you all. and pray for my brother and sisters in arms

great grandfather WWI

grandfather WWII

father Korea, Vietnam (4 times)

myself, Desert Storm/Shield, Somalia, Bosnia-Kosovo...still wanting to go to Iraq/Afganastan

thanks to all who serve and served!

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Thanks to all the service men and women who served or are serving at the present................ :thumb:

Good thoughts for my buddy who is presently in the wonderful city of downtown Bagdad...............Come home safe Luis!!.......... :bump:

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I wanted to take a moment and thank all veteran's who have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. THANK YOU for all that you have sacraficed for the rest.


FYI- even though I was Air Force I hear the Marines are having their 231'st birthday. Semper FI!

Now this is a good thread, nice job Gerald, but it'll be our 232nd Birthday...... :cry:

I'd like to Thank all service members....PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. Semper Fi, Woody

Edited by wsky70
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Check the date Woody....I started this last year and bumped it up, but thanks for the clarification!! :lol::laughoff:

I see that now, and to think of the reply's, that's actually pretty sad.... :laughoff: Thanks for bringing it back to the top, just to let some of us know why we get to live the life we live...SF Woody :laughoff:

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Not to plagarize Woody here but but my thanks go out also to all past, present, and future Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guard, and let's not forget the Merchant Marines. It's a tough and demanding career choice.

And from my heart, thank you all very much for the appreciation.

Whew! 232! No wonder my bones and joints constantly ache...

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For anyone who is interested in sending a serviceman or woman a card, letter, or care package, checkout www.anysoldier.com

You can select a soldier, sailor, airman, marine, or coast guardsman and let them know how much you appreciate their service. My little boy just raised $130.00 in cash by taking donations in exchange for lemonade at a classic car show our church held.

We selected an Army medic stationed in Afghanistan and sent him a 35 pound care package full of stuff he and his fellow soldiers will enjoy. But remember, these American heroes need to know we support them and are grateful for their service, so a card or letter is just as good as a care package.

God bless America and God bless our troops, wherever they may be! :DDRrocks:


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