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People riding after drinking

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  marbleous said:

Hey X5 what would you do if you had a tweeker in your camp :dunno:

I friggen hate tweekers im sure you have employed a few like i have there peaces of sh$$ like firepole said you can spot them a mile away, so to answer your ? they wouldent be in my camp :laughoff::laughing:

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its even worse when your kid is into that crap. my silly daughter has put us through hell on that sh*t. so if anyone in camp was obviously tweakin in my mind i would just want to beat the livin crap out of them but been there done that and jail is not cool. i would have to leave. so stay away you godamn tweakers! :laughing:

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  X-5 said:

I friggen hate tweekers im sure you have employed a few like i have there peaces of sh$$ like firepole said you can spot them a mile away, so to answer your ? they wouldent be in my camp :blink::beercheers:

I do every thing possible to keep these crackheads not working for me, But the labor board tells me that these pieces of SH$$T have rights also...... :blink:

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  X-5 said:

I friggen hate tweekers im sure you have employed a few like i have there peaces of sh$$ like firepole said you can spot them a mile away, so to answer your ? they wouldent be in my camp :laughoff::flipoff:

He was only there for 3/4 of a day....and wasn't my guest. He stayed away from my side of the camp, so I had no problem with it. Besides, my son is grown and smarter than that. Sometimes those under the influence who look all effed up are great examples of what NOT TO DO with your life.

I picked up a new saying from the movie American History X. "Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."

  el chuppa cabra said:

tweakers suck! that guy in firepole's poles camp actually sprinted to the river crossing and back for no reason. he still couldn't sit still , he was wound so tight I thought his head would explode :beercheers:

I forgot about that one!! :dope: I remember thinking his heart was going to beat outta his chest.... :laughoff: ....and that was your camp too!

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  80grit said:

One of our close freinds that use to ride and camp at Dumont with us, was killed at havasu when another boat T-boned them going 35 in a no wake zone.

The guy that hit him just got convicted for DUI and vehicular manslaughter. 24 years in jail with no chance of parole for 20 yrs because it was his second offense for Dui.

People at the lake/river can be out of control! A boat doesn't just stop and I hate when people speed in the no wake zones. We used to see this all the time at Lake Mead during our boating days.

Unfortunately, there are out of control people everywhere. I don't get how some folks at the dunes can just fly by other people's camps. During New Years weekend we saw a bunch of people just fly by our camp. All it takes is for someone to hit a person or a child. Stupid!!!


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  • 4 months later...

All the injury and fatal accidents where I know most those involved:

The riders/drivers were drinking.


It was at nite.


Or they were drinking and riding at nite.

In all the cases they claim the drinking or riding at nite had nothing to do with it.

I drink more than anyone on this board and can safely say, ya can't reason with anyone drinking.

Edited by Duneraider
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  Duneraider said:

All the injury and fatal accicents where I know most those involved:

The riders were drinking.


It was at nite.


Or they were drinking and at nite.

In all the cases they claim the drinking or riding at nite had nothing to do with it.

I drink more than anyone on this board and can safely say, ya can't reason with anyone drinking.




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  Duneraider said:

I drink more than anyone on this board and can safely say, ya can't reason with anyone drinking.

You sure about that Ross? :drunk::laughoff: j/k

Seiously though, almost every accident I see or hear of is mostly because inexperience. Yes, alcohol plays a big part in accidents sometimes and I am in no way defending people who drink and drive, but more times I hear of accidents that are caused by bad judgement or lack of experience.

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  dunefreak said:

You sure about that Ross? :drunk::laughoff: j/k

Seiously though, almost every accident I see or hear of is mostly because inexperience. Yes, alcohol plays a big part in accidents sometimes and I am in no way defending people who drink and drive, but more times I hear of accidents that are caused by bad judgement or lack of experience.

Pete, I agree inexperience is a major factor in accidents at the dunes and at the lakes. However alcohol plays a much larger factor than you think, I would believe that 75% at least of people being involved in an acvcident at Dumont have been drinking or over the limit. When's the last time you saw a bunch of buggies stop at North Pole or Comp and all of them pull out a water or soda from their coolers.

I quit riding Harley's with a bunch of people because by 9AM I was the only sober rider in a group of bikes doing 75 down the highway. What was wrong with that picture?

I am not preaching I am just saying alcohol plays a major role in people getting hurt and killed at the dunes and on the water. When you combine inexperience and alcohol you are just an accident waiting to happen. :porn:

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  ynot said:

Pete, I agree inexperience is a major factor in accidents at the dunes and at the lakes. However alcohol plays a much larger factor than you think, I would believe that 75% at least of people being involved in an acvcident at Dumont have been drinking or over the limit. When's the last time you saw a bunch of buggies stop at North Pole or Comp and all of them pull out a water or soda from their coolers. :drunk:

I quit riding Harley's with a bunch of people because by 9AM I was the only sober rider in a group of bikes doing 75 down the highway. What was wrong with that picture?

I am not preaching I am just saying alcohol plays a major role in people getting hurt and killed at the dunes and on the water. When you combine inexperience and alcohol you are just an accident waiting to happen. :porn:

i don't know why people get out of town, away from society, to pound alcohol all day and act like an azz :laughoff:

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I'm sorry- I must disagree again.

Take a look at the past few deaths at Dumont. None of them involved alcohol.

1) the 2 guys that died in the buggy over Halloween 06- neither had any alcohol in their system. They made a bad call of judgement to dune fast in that area of the dunes that time of day and unfortunately it cost them their lives.

2) the guy, Omar, that died while jumping the finger dune over Thanksgiving- was not drinking either and wasn't very experienced with jumping a quad and landed wrong killing him

3) the kid that hit the kiddie track/ wormhole over Veterans Day weekend I think it was- was not drinking but made a bad call to fly across the flats at night and didn't see the wormhole and crashed punturing his lung killing him

4) Over a year or so ago a guy flew off the top of the face hill (to the left of the opening to the whoops to comp) in a long travel. It was windy as hell and he didn't lift off teh throttle in time and flew right off the top killing himself and injuring his passenger(s)

I truly believe that most the deaths at Dumont are by people who make bad calls of judgement. The terrain is much more difficult to read that other dunes like Glamis. The hills are taller and steeper and many people don't know how to safely drive on them.

Almost every death I hear about at Glamis, however is usually caused by drunk driving. I have heard numerous times about people getting in trucks and duning them up big hills without being belted in, etc and rolling them and killing themselves or their passengers. Also with the added number of people at Glamis, i hear alot of drunk people in rails hitting riders on bikes or quads. You don't really hear about that kind of stuff at Dumont.

Again, I am in no way condoning drunk driving or defending the people that drink and dune. When I drink at night, my toys are already put up and locked when my bottle of Gin starts to get emptied. :drunk::laughoff:

I'm just stating what I hear and see at Dumont.

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you drunkard :porn: :laughoff:


anyway Pete, he was saying accidents

Pete, I agree inexperience is a major factor in accidents at the dunes and at the lakes. However alcohol plays a much larger factor than you think, I would believe that 75% at least of people being involved in an acvcident at Dumont have been drinking or over the limit.

now those specific examples you provided did not have any alcohol involved, but what about the rest of the accidents that occurred at dumont during 06/07?

now I wouldn't personally go as high as the 75 percent mark, but I bet it is above the 50% mark....ALL ACCIDENTS, not just deaths


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I agree with Richard. If you take the long term of more than just a couple of deaths over the last 2 years and look at the ones you don't know about or that drinking was a factor and it was just not stated then the ratios go way up. I can remember incidents over the years and there were so few non drinking incidents I can't remember the specifics of them. But there are enough of the drinking ones that I can tell you that I was there many weekends where more than one accident resulted in body bags and torn apart families. You know my personal rules about drinking and driving. Driving is for daytime and campfires are for drinking. I learned that lesson the hard way and came closer to being a sastistic my self.

I rode banshee's with :laughoff: a bunch of very fast riders, kinda of how I learned. It was like racing motocross at top speed. After awhile I heard that some of the guys were taking "safety stops" then riding at full throttle passing and being passed by me. I learned what a safety stop was and that was it I didn't ride with them anymore. Nice guys but I am not putting my life on the line to ride with someone who is messed up and it cost's me. i have had my share of accidents in the dunes but all of them have been my stupidity not from being intoxicated or inexperienced, they were screwups just that plain and simple.

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The folks I've known that have been involved in accidents and fatalities drink all the time and ride on edge all the time.

When one of them seperates a shoulder, breaks a collarbone or an arm,, suddenly it's:

"We wern't drinking, & we were riding slow and safely".

Not saying any of you or anyone else is like that,, that's just my experiences.

About 6 years ago a person in our Glamis nite ride was paralized.

Drinking and riding way too fast.

Three years later, the same Glamis nite ride, a fatality.

S#!tfaced and riding way way too fast.

I thought my YFZ 450 was slow,, no,, everyone I ride with is drunker and riding way more crazy.

Edited by Duneraider
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now as far as personal experiences.....I am sure Pete has been out there more times than anyone on this board. more than me I know, as I have only been to dumont 3 times, but plan on going back again and again and again. my family loves it. our friends love it

That is why I probably come across like a :drunk: sometimes. I frequent oceano, and have seen what the land grabbers, and eco freaks have done to the place.......and I am starting to see the beginning of it again @ dumont.




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you drunkard :drunk::drunk:


I knew I'd get that response from someone. Even though you are kidding, I kind of resent that you would say that to me even in a kidding manner. I am the one in the group that usually reminds everyone to be extra safe and to not start drinking till later after the riding is over with. I did say in my post I wasn't condoning drinking and driving. Just because I am stating that I hear that more accidents and deaths are caused from inexperience, that doesn't mean I am defending the other cause of deaths and accidents, "drunks".


now those specific examples you provided did not have any alcohol involved, but what about the rest of the accidents that occurred at dumont during 06/07?

now I wouldn't personally go as high as the 75 percent mark, but I bet it is above the 50% mark....ALL ACCIDENTS, not just deaths


Yes I understand there are some accidents in the past where alcohol WAS a factor, death or not. All I am stating is my obersvation from what I saw over tha past season at Dumont. I took the past few accidents/ death at Dumont that WERE from the 06/07 season and listed them as examples. I don't think there really were many other deaths at Dumont from the 06/07 season. That is pretty much most of them that I listed.

  ynot said:

Driving is for daytime and campfires are for drinking.

and I agree! :clap:

That is pretty much what I said.....

  dunefreak said:

Again, I am in no way condoning drunk driving or defending the people that drink and dune. When I drink at night, my toys are already put up and locked when my bottle of Gin starts to get emptied. :drunk::laughoff:

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i have a hard enough time riding 2 wheels as it is... throw in a 6 pack and you will be picking me up off every dune.. So nope no drinking and riding. Dont get me wrong i have been guilty of the ocasional delicious beverage out at the north pole... but i try my hardest not to drink and ride.

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