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Who works at the red rooster?


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  ISBB said:

it comes with the job... admins and mod's gotta do it wether you think we are chilled out or not... you guys were pushin the limits and he reminded you.. get over it already!!

Your right man , well im over it :cripple:

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  dunefreak said:

strutten my stuff? What are you talking about? All I was doing was keeping the rules enforced before the limits got pushed. :fatdance:

holy crap.... It was only a joke... I guess I should wait and post way after a long weekend trip... seems everyone is a little (LOTS) tired and edgy? :cripple:


Edited by 10Q
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  Ross and Alice said:

Geeze Pete, Have a sense of humor.

The rooster is brown BTW, and it's leaving the thread is the idea. Not struttin' his stuff.

Chill out.

Ross, as ISBB said, all I was doing was reminding everyone of the rules before it went too far. You must have read that wrong because I never got mad. Didn't you see the " :ahhhhh: " smiley in just about every post since the rooster you posted? :dunno::laughoff: And don't read this as if it is written in an "unchill" attitude. I am actually REALLY CHILL right now. B) :laughoff: Ross, anyone that knows me knows I, of all people, have a sense of humor. :fatdance: :laughoff::cripple::laughing::laughoff::think::slap:

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  10Q said:

holy crap.... It was only a joke... I guess I should wait and post way after a long weekend trip... seems everyone is a little (LOTS) beat and edgy?

How does that post sound edgy? You are reading that wayyyy wrong. :dunno: All i said was "strutten my stuff? What are you talking about?" It was merely a question. There is some serious miscommunication going on in here. :blury: :surrender: :laughing:

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  dunefreak said:

How does that post sound edgy? You are reading that wayyyy wrong. :shake: All i said was "strutten my stuff? What are you talking about?" It was merely a question. There is some serious miscommunication going on in here. :blury::laughing::blury:

Sorry for the confusion. If you re-read my post, I said “MAYBE” this is what the chicken meant. I too had no idea what Ross was trying to imply?? Maybe he wasn’t trying to imply anything, but I thought I'd :surrender: and suggest something???? If you notice the smiley, it was implied to be nothing more than a joke… at least that was my intention. :dunno:

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  1Bad4FiddyinLv said:

:rockon: :surrender: I got the :think::blink: gloves over at my house , why dont we all just meet at the red rooster and settle this like men :laughing::dunno::laughoff::laughoff::slap:

:slap::laughing::blury::shake: Meet at the RR, like men?? So, so sorry, Ross already said “It's couples only, no male gay sex allowed”…. :blury::boxer: It's just not my thing... But I won't condemn anyone else. :boxer::P:laughing::laughoff:

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  Kens Colors said:

about time to lock this thread huh pete? :dunno::blury:

I totally agree!! In fact, you wouldn’t hurt my feelings if you just deleted the whole thread. I gave my apology but I guess that wasn’t enough? If yeah keep pushing my buttons, I’ll respond… If you get my drift??

Once again... :laughing: :surrender:

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  1Bad4FiddyinLv said:

i agree with pete lets just :blury::happydrunks: :smoker: :slap: :shoot: :ninja::ninja::ninja: And be happy lol

We already are happy and have been, Chase! Nobody was angry in the first place...just some miscommunication. I can't beleive this thread keeps getting bumped back up. :shoot: Just make it go away! :bawl::finger::boxer: :no_no: j/k Stupid red rooster thread!!! :slap:

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