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My Rant

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Those are 2 separate issues really. Crowds are one issue then getting something back for the fees we pay is another.

Until they demonstrate they can give us some tangible return for the investment (even if that's only enforcement) then they should have no leg to stand on when asking for more money.

Someone is going to get killed on one of those metal pipes that those inconsiderate a-holes are using to cordon off their own private sections of the finger dunes. The bad part is enforcement of that would be so easy for an officer to see and act on.

Same thing for some enforcement of the speed limit on the access road.....it's only a matter of time before there's a major head-on out there due to the dust and excessive speed some people drive down the road.

On Thanksgiving we had someone cut off a bunch of us pulling out of the checkpoint! I mean, the guy made it to the top of the plateau litterally 1 second before me thanks to him driving around/cutting off a bunch of us that were otherwise acting in a civilized manner. I hope that extra 1 second made his trip more than what it would've been if he hadn't have cut us off.

Again, easy to enforce if they'd put someone out there once and a while.

Unfortunately a growing segment of society cannot act appropriately without a cop nearby.

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  barefoot bob said:

when is the next meeting in barstow where will it be at ect ect ect where will it be posted what thread where ???

Next meeting of the TRT is March 6th, 2007 at the BLM Field Office

2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. 92311

I usually have an extra seat or 2-3 when I go down so if smeone is interested let me know.

The official date for the annual FoDD meeting has not been set as of yet but is usually in Jan. Last year it was in Riverside but we are trying to find somewhere nearer to Barstow/Victorville area. I will keep you posted about it as I learn more.


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ect ect ect.....WTF is that bob, the sound of your cat coughing up furballs????

etc etc etc

like xtc....... :laughing:

:thumb: you haven't ever heard of etc. before?

etcetera: et·cet·er·a / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[et-set-er-uh, ‑se-truh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -er·as. 1. a number of other things or persons unspecified.

2. etceteras, extras or sundries.

come on :laughoff::laughing:


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  dunefreak said:

:thumb: you haven't ever heard of etc. before?

etcetera: et·cet·er·a / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[et-set-er-uh, ‑se-truh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -er·as. 1. a number of other things or persons unspecified.

2. etceteras, extras or sundries.

come on :laughoff::laughing:


Did you read bob's quote? :laughing: He did put ect ect ect........

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  dinicolada said:

Ynot I would like to got more involved with Dumont so if you remind me about a week before the meeting and don’t mind me riding with you at lest the first time I would like to go

pm me

No problem always like the company! Stay in contact with me on it as March approachs as I am old and I forget a lot of sh@t

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  ynot said:

Next meeting of the TRT is March 6th, 2007 at the BLM Field Office

2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. 92311

I usually have an extra seat or 2-3 when I go down so if smeone is interested let me know.

The official date for the annual FoDD meeting has not been set as of yet but is usually in Jan. Last year it was in Riverside but we are trying to find somewhere nearer to Barstow/Victorville area. I will keep you posted about it as I learn more.


terry im puttin in for the day off tomarrow so i dont forget to go thanks

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ect etc ..................... fu)(*&*^^%%^$%@#^%@^%# whatever i meant. lol. yes i will go. a posting nearer to march would be great. i will show if the good lords willin and the creek dont rise, cause all joking aside i am concerned about where i play

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  rich807 said:

Who's not going to continue on as a FoDD board member?

The Board of directors positions are all staggered as far as their terms run. I believe that the sec. and the VP positions are 1 year positions and will have to re run if they want to continue. I plan on throwing my hat back in the ring, gone to far to back up now!

Other positions/committees will be open also such as membership, web site etc. I will post more info along with the place and date of the meeting along with the agenda when i get it.

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(Quote) Next meeting of the TRT is March 6th, 2007 at the BLM Field Office

2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. 92311

What time it be startin? I live in Hysteria. When it gets closer, someone please post a note as a friendly reminder :slap: Plattas over by old route 58 has some good mexican chow and :xmas_grin:

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  Hoss said:

(Quote) Next meeting of the TRT is March 6th, 2007 at the BLM Field Office

2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. 92311

What time it be startin? I live in Hysteria. When it gets closer, someone please post a note as a friendly reminder :slap: Plattas over by old route 58 has some good mexican chow and :xmas_grin:

TRT meetings start at 10:00AM and are usually done by 2:00 PM

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  Hoss said:

Boy they couldnt have picked a better time, miday when everyone is at work. :bawl: Thanks I will try to make it.

I tried to get a meeting on a Sat. but trying to find a date that the TRT members could make was more than 4 months out so the idea was shelved for now. I will bring it up again at the next meeting. :laughoff::laughoff:

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  barefoot bob said:


PS teach me to stop writing in caps :flipoff:

See if this helps Bob :laughoff: not yet...ok, try this :flipoff: or :flipoff: Did that help teach you?

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I hear complaints about going to "people" and complaining and nothing gets done about them doing their job. Is this something a County Supervisor could handle? Maybe go up the ladder and try that on a city or county level and see what is done.

It's kind of like Arnold's wife Maria doing speaches about women speaking out, being on the "same team" as the guys in the work force, being equal. So, I go to my daughter's softball game (home) and see their field they drag by hand VS the boys field which was freshly painted and they have a machine drag the field. I told daughter she wasn't allowed to drag the field by hand and have the coach come talk to me. They never did. Anyway, so, I call Maria and send her an email and fax (Even sent one to Arnold) and I did get a response. Guess what? They weren't interested and he wants my vote... :laughoff: I called him and left him a voice message, "Don't quit your day job as an actor"! :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

Edited by Bound4Dirt
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