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This is not a matter of smoking or not, we have freedoms pulled away from us daily, wear your seat belt, wear a helmet, you cant own that gun, don’t talk on cell phones while driving, only cross the street at cross walks, there is a new law in New York that just past that if you own a restaurant you can not cook with saturated fats, all bad for you? Maybe? Where do we stop?

If you have a problem breathing cigarettes smoke just drive down 95 from Mt Charleston look down town that brown haze you see is more deadly then ten people smoking with you in a 5 foot room but you still drive your car and make me breath it. Should I make it illegal for you to drive?

Whether I smoke or not is not important to this thread if some one is bothering you with cig smoke you should be able to ask them to put it out and they should as a courtesy but that doesn’t happen any more.


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  sanddunesaddict said:

Oh here we go everyone on here is going to think I hate them now.

Anybody thats wants to talk to me in person and have a honest discussion I'll explain why I hate the smokers I hate.

The type of person they are.

LOL......I'm just messin with ya. Do you feel bad enough to give me a smokin deal on the truck service :dance:

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  dinicolada said:

This is not a matter of smoking or not, we have freedoms pulled away from us daily, wear your seat belt, wear a helmet, you cant own that gun, don’t talk on cell phones while driving, only cross the street at cross walks, there is a new law in New York that just past that if you own a restaurant you can not cook with saturated fats, all bad for you? Maybe? Where do we stop?

If you have a problem breathing cigarettes smoke just drive down 95 from Mt Charleston look down town that brown haze you see is more deadly then ten people smoking with you in a 5 foot room but you still drive your car and make me breath it. Should I make it illegal for you to drive?

Whether I smoke or not is not important to this thread if some one is bothering you with cig smoke you should be able to ask them to put it out and they should as a courtesy but that doesn’t happen any more.


well said dave

and as for u stacey when made ur rude gestures weds when u came in to the bar and we were smoking i politely moved away from you because i understand ur feeling but for u to jump on the nasty habit band wagon is bs i do agree it is one but it is more of an addiction than a habit and you were not just reporting what was going on and ill quate you again "Smokers nasty habits does however affect my health if I happen to be around." so with that said i do understand but don't attack us i don't smoke in my house or stand right next to people that don't smoke when i am and as for your a hole comment learn to control yourself that temper and mouth can get u in trouble

I'm not pissed or even mad i'm just defending those who won't speak up and have the same sh*tty addictionas me :dance:

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  sanddunesaddict said:

Oh here we go everyone on here is going to think I hate them now.

Anybody thats wants to talk to me in person and have a honest discussion I'll explain why I hate the smokers I hate.

The type of person they are.

bert you probably have good intentions behind what u r trying to say it just isn't coming off that way it is probably best for us all to just leave the whole topic alone before someone really gets pissed like Stacey and yes stacey i'm singleing you out because u started the a hole name calling and now others are following suit so lets just :dance: and let this go it serves no purpose to continue this topic it is what it is and we can't change anything about it now

Edited by dman74
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quick update facts only all of clark county is allowed to operate as before for the next 15 days as for the rest of the state the law applies and one other county sheriff said he WILL NOT enforce it

Edited by dman74
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I just had a chance to catch up with all of the crying going on over here and I think everyone needs to look at the facts. There were so many to choose from on on the American Lung Assoc site...so I picked a couple that concern MY health and NOT THE SMOKERS!!!! Remember we're talking about the effects of second hand smoke; when it affects someone and they know the facts I can't blame them for getting angry and passionate about it.


Secondhand smoke has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans <LI>Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia and hydrogen cyanide.<LI>Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year.<LI>A study found that nonsmokers exposed to environmental smoke were 25 percent more likely to have coronary heart diseases compared to nonsmokers not exposed to smoke.

No matter how you look at it, smokers have the potential to take lives of those of us who do not partake. :headbang1: That's just not cool. :laughing:

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  cmyfirepole said:

I just had a chance to catch up with all of the crying going on over here and I think everyone needs to look at the facts. There were so many to choose from on on the American Lung Assoc site...so I picked a couple that concern MY health and NOT THE SMOKERS!!!! Remember we're talking about the effects of second hand smoke; when it affects someone and they know the facts I can't blame them for getting angry and passionate about it.

No matter how you look at it, smokers have the potential to take lives of those of us who do not partake. :finger: That's just not cool. :woo_hoo:

:finger::dunno: I here you there!!!

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like i said before if i have to go outside then so be it... all anyone has to do is ask me to move in a polite manner of course if im bothering them and i will gladly move... Growing up in cali im used to it but so be it.. maybe it will just help me douche the nasty habbit..

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