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South pole abduction!


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Tony (Stalteri920) called me a couple hours ago from the south pole. It's gone. The rocks are still there, but the pole is gone.

Looks like we'll just have to build an even better one with some CEMENT this time and bury it even deeper. :DDRrocks::loser:

As for your current Dumont conditions :blury: ...slightly breezy, beautiful weather, and hardly anybody out there. Next weekend should be nice as hell. :driver: Thanks for the update Tony. :dance:

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you sure it wasnt BLM? Ya never know since the pole was put there illegally! granted it wasnt permanent but they might have seen it that way? Then again could just be some punk a$$ mofo's that need a beatin.

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you sure it wasnt BLM? Ya never know since the pole was put there illegally! granted it wasnt permanent but they might have seen it that way? Then again could just be some punk a$$ mofo's that need a beatin.

how is it any different than the north pole? North pole is legal, but the south pole isn't? :jester:

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