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any railers running honda or acura power?

Richard Cheese

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yeah...that's it. Yank the motor out of your rail and spend thousands and countless hours to switch over to a motor that probably doesn't even add up to the one you have now to make a point that we don't support the Sierra Club! :beercheers:

Come on, Jason! :laughoff:

That isn't gonna change anything. :laughing::laughoff:

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yeah...that's it. Yank the motor out of your rail and spend thousands and countless hours to switch over to a motor that probably doesn't even add up to the one you have now to make a point that we don't support the Sierra Club! :beercheers:

Come on, Jason! :laughoff:

That isn't gonna change anything. :smoker: :laughoff:

so then, youre flyin around dumont, doing all you can to keep the trash picked up, duners doing the right thing, but giving money to the enemy???

fighting the cause on opposite sides?

come on pete??? :laughoff: I am not expecting people to yank out their power plants. But, when a new power plant is needed, use this information to weigh the options... thats all

jeez, its hard to type with words stuffed in my mouth that I didn't say/type :laughoff:



p.s. my son found his freeking christmas present :smoker:

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so then, youre flyin around dumont, doing all you can to keep the trash picked up, duners doing the right thing, but giving money to the enemy???

fighting the cause on opposite sides?

come on pete??? :freakin_nuts: I am not expecting people to yank out their power plants. But, when a new power plant is needed, use this information to weigh the options... thats all

jeez, its hard to type with words stuffed in my mouth that I didn't say/type :shake:



p.s. my son found his freeking christmas present :cry:

I hear what you're saying here ^, but I can't see how Hondas at Dumont are contributing to the dunes being closed down. The money going to Honda for these bikes or motors doesn't seem like it would make any difference. Besides, I think it is a Honda dealership that sponsored the event, not Honda as a company.

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I hear what you're saying here ^, but I can't see how Hondas at Dumont are contributing to the dunes being closed down. The money going to Honda for these bikes or motors doesn't seem like it would make any difference. Besides, I think it is a Honda dealership that sponsored the event, not Honda as a company.

Whenever a honda anything is sold, bike, generator, whatever, the Honda Corp takes a small portion of it's profits, and gives it to the Sierra Club. I called the number Pete, it IS Honda Corp, USA, not a dealer. if you ride ANYTHING offroad, it is like putting tiny nails in your coffin, why you buy honda ANYTHING

Like Pete said, the money goes to the builder who should be helping the dunes stay open. But, I guess some money goes to Honda as a company. Anyway, my next new motor will be a turbo Honda.

that's fine, you are free to do what you want with your money, but when the Sierra Club gets enough money to start pressuring the CA legislature (just like they did Oceano, Glamis, Kelso dunes, etc) about some "unstable" plant or animal in Dumont that needs "protection" from your big bad sandrail, and the other duners, in other words, affect you, it will be to late to react.

to fight these kinds of fights, we have to be proactive, which you are, by picking up trash, packing out more than you did in. this is just another way to keep the SC away for a few more years.

and with democrats running the show in DC now, you can expect to see a lot more activism from the other side too.

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I pulled out that Effin' Honda and I'm headed to the recycle yard. :freakin_nuts:

I'm hopin' to get a few hundred bucks for the aluminum case. :cry:

Can I put a LS6 twin turbo 700 "Glamis HP" in my car?? :laughing:


When we buy a Honda motor for a sandcar, we get one out of a auto junkyard.

The manufacturer gets nothing for that sale.

They already got their money from the original sale.

I do understand that we buy parts from them though.

That's the way I see it. :shake:

I hope we can continue to fight and win, to keep our dunes. :DDRrocks:

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I have to agree with what they are telling you on the other site....all manufacturers are giving to greenies in one way or another.

until someone can link each individual maker with a greenie, then I choose not to believe it. anyone can speculate, but for me, there has to be proof.

it isnt all that hard, just type the maker, and sierra club in google, and see what you get. im not gonna do it, as I didn't open my mouth and make that statement they did. I proved my statement already...they can do their own homework. Also, it is your choice to believe what you want at face value, without proof.

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I see both sides. My older daughter owns a 400ex. I am not going to sell it just because of what is being said. Although, when it comes time to buy another, I will 100% use it to weight out my next purchase.

If your really bothered by it, tell them your going down there next Sat. and put a sign on your SUV and state what they do. I am sure people will see it and ask you questions. This alone could make them withdrawl their sponsorship. :freakin_nuts:

Edited by Bound4Dirt
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I see both sides. My older daughter owns a 400ex. I am not going to sell it just because of what is being said. Although, when it comes time to buy another, I will 100% use it to weight out my next purchase.

If your really bothered by it, tell them your going down there next Sat. and put a sign on your SUV and state what they do. I am sure people will see it and ask you questions. This alone could make them withdrawl their sponsorship. :freakin_nuts:

its gonna take more than one person to do that. But, I have already called the local red dealership, as they are also the local Can-Am dealer too, and told them what they do. the a$$ man(ager) wasn't even aware of it.

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all you guys can do what you want...just don't b*tch to me in a few years, if you run red, and the SC is attempting to close down dumont..........that is all I'm saying

What would you like to see done? Complaining on DDR will get nothing done. You need to either call them, write, etc. A few say they did call. :freakin_nuts:

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its gonna take more than one person to do that. But, I have already called the local red dealership, as they are also the local Can-Am dealer too, and told them what they do. the a$$ man(ager) wasn't even aware of it.

I didn't see this post. What did the manager say? Get a fax number and maybe we can fax bomb them on the subject.

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What would you like to see done? Complaining on DDR will get nothing done. You need to either call them, write, etc. A few say they did call. :freakin_nuts:

right now, I can't do anything, as I have to go home and take care of my son, but in a day or two, i planto pen a handwritten letter to honda to address the situation

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This is really funny.

My buggy has a Honda motor,

I tow with my Ford truck,

AND I've been known to drink Coor products.

:driver: What the %#*@ am I doing??? :freakin_nuts:

Effit! I'm votin' for Hillary!


Mutha Bitchezzzz :cry::bs:


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