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i bought my wife a rhino

rhino king

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so my wife doesnt have any thing to ride anymore,,so i bought her a rhino for christmas,i will post pictures later,,all i know is she wont let me put stars on it :xmas_grin: so dam!!! :xmas_lipsrsealed:




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Another one? TWO NOW? :dunno::boxer:

So is she the Rhino Queen now (instead of dune diva) since she has her own? :xmas_grin:

How are you gonna get 2 Rhinos, a Raptor 350, an LT80, AND an invisible make-believe long travel sandrail to the dunes NOW? :xmas_lipsrsealed: :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

Another one? TWO NOW? :loser::laughoff:

So is she the Rhino Queen now (instead of dune diva) since she has her own? :thumb:

How are you gonna get 2 Rhinos, a Raptor 350, an LT80, AND an invisible make-believe long travel sandrail to the dunes NOW? :rockon::laughoff:

Hahaha Now thats funny. :fro: :Xmas: :laughoff:

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  lvnalolife said:

Hahaha Now thats funny. :rockon::thumb::laughoff:

ya ya cant have enough rhinos,,got it in ceder city deliv,to my door today!!!dont be a hater,,jennifer has never had her own things,,so she wanted a rhino and wala,,santa came,,p.s. dont buy rhinos in town they are screwing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughoff: merry christmas rhino queen,,lol :fro:

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  dunefreak said:

How are you gonna get 2 Rhinos, a Raptor 350, an LT80, AND an invisible make-believe long travel sandrail to the dunes NOW? :beercheers::idea:

well wouldnt make sense that the imaginary make believe buggy would be pulled by the imginary make believe third trailer ????? :drinkbeer:

Edited by barefoot bob
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  rhino king said:

ya ya cant have enough rhinos,,got it in ceder city deliv,to my door today!!!dont be a hater,,jennifer has never had her own things,,so she wanted a rhino and wala,,santa came,,p.s. dont buy rhinos in town they are screwing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughoff: merry christmas rhino queen,,lol :laughoff:

did ya get custom or stock?

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did ya get custom or stock?

a green one of course,,i had a xtra stock body thats at the painters,, that will be done on friday,i`ll post some pictures it should come out awesome,,some wheels and that`s about it i still have to pay for a rail,, pete have you forgotten i have a 40 ft trailer with 22.2 feet of cargo :laughoff: two rhino`s will fit in there.. not the 350 as we are selling that and the small quad will fit on the side of one of the rhinos,,,and the rail.....maybe it will be ready for next year!!!!! :laughoff: who knows....... :dunno::laughoff: :ahhhhh: :laughoff:


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  barefoot bob said:

well wouldnt make sense that the imaginary make believe buggy would be pulled by the imginary make believe third trailer ????? :laughoff:

ther wont be a third trailer,, i would have to marry some one else,,,like get two wifes,,, :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

You have a 39 foot trailer. :ahhhhh: :laughoff:

Anyways....I didn't think the Rhinos would fit in with the slideout. Cool though if they do. :laughoff:

i dont have the wide off set rims,, :dunno: i think i can get it in!and its not 38......its 39ft 11...sorry i told ya 38 my bad :slap::laughoff::laughoff: give me a call!


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  rhino king said:

ther wont be a third trailer,, i would have to marry some one else,,,like get two wifes,,, :dunno::slap: :ahhhhh:

and................ now you have an imaginary make believe buggy an imaginary make believe trailer to haul it and an imaginary make believe 2nd wife interesting :laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff:

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  warrior07 said:

so were thinking about a farm quad :dance: for the wifey so how good are the deals . any info would be appr. plus dealer your dealing with

any of the dealers in town wont sell a rhino for less than 12,000 out the door,thats after buying two rhinos and several quads from this dealer,,so i called ceder ridge sports ,,utah they delivered the next day for 10,525 to my door!!!!!! great service,,,!!good luck and let me know! :thumb:also that dealer has none left for a while ,..if you dont want to wait,,I found a guy in town today with 6 of them there going for 11,100 otd in different colors..on the west coast there in high demand!!!!! there only making so many and the dealers only get so many,,dragon fire racing has them to for about 10k but you have to go get them in arizona..st geroge utah has none ,,kigman has none......if i can help let me :dance: know!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  rhino king said:

so my wife doesnt have any thing to ride anymore,,so i bought her a rhino for christmas,i will post pictures later,,all i know is she wont let me put stars on it :beercheers: so dam!!! :icon_twisted:

these are jens new colors,,she will have beard seats to match soon


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