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So I'm driving down I-15 today, minding my own business, listening to Christmas songs and oh yeah, trying to control my rage because I got off work early today to just sit in traffic. Little did I know I was being stalked by a black SUV with a loud horn. The horn blares and as I look to my left, there it was a big :flipoff: from Nick. So I roll down my window and say, "hey that's not very nice now is it" and he replies, "Yes, yes it is". So Nick, keeping with the holiday spirit and roadway encounters, :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff: back atcha :laughoff:

At least you could of sailed a DDR sticker over to me since I was only going like 1mph :D

Take care buddy...

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:unsure: I run into more DDR members on the freeway than i do at the dunes.. there is something wrong with this picture! LOL

that would involve you going to dumont Nick :D sorry you make it to easy

Edited by dman74
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whats that old saying what goes around comes around.. Just wait the wounded eyeball is teamed up with the wounded ear and you guys will get whats comin to ya.. LOL

whats that old saying??? oh yeah "your a$$ hurts" :happydrunks:

and what you said doesn't make any sense to me. :sleeping::laughing::happydrunks: What...you won't hear OR see me then if teamed up with SAND~~SNAKE? :headbang1:

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whats that old saying??? oh yeah "your a$$ hurts" :flipoff:

and what you said doesn't make any sense to me. :dunno: :fro: :idiot: What...you won't hear OR see me then if teamed up with SAND~~SNAKE? :clap:

hey Pete we need a crybaby smilie here cause nick's cryin :grin::laughoff:

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