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My observations from XMAS party 2006


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:DDRrocks: what a funny night , drunk people are hilarious.


1. Thank you Pete and Anna for having me and thanks for the GANGSTERR sticker :blury:

2. Dman is not and a-hole.

3. but Dan is :D

4. Pete,Cole & Kenny should NEVER look into music as a career.

5. Cdavego and Rhinoking look alot alike :happydrunks:

6. "It's a knuckle"

7. Mutha Bitchez was said quite a few times.

8. Good times.

9. merrychristmas :xmas_grin:

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Yes Thanks Pete and Anna for the use of your house I hope it’s not too thrashed

Had a great time and did not meet a person that I did not like everyone was great,

Kenny and CDave do look alike, Me and the wife have been arguing about the pics all morning. Name tags when drunk are hard to read. Great bunch of people can’t wait till we can do it again thanks everyone for a great night.


Chase :laughing:

Edited by dinicolada
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It was gooood times last night

some people are destined to cause drama everytime they show up

I never seem to get to drunk when the wife is around to drive me home

wetnwreckless doesn't move from her spot once she arrives

there are some really cool peeps on this site

jules can drink alot for her size

cole is f'n funny

it was good to see eddie

glad i got to meet more ddr peeps

thanks again to anna and pete

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  RAGDOLL MX said:

1. My wife (Jules) can out drink Chase....and not throw up!

2. Everybody at DDR Rocks!

3. Fat can fly...from petes wall to the trampoline

4. to get to petes house from my house i have to schedule for in flight re-fuel....40 miles one way

5. it always seems that when we all get together some one tries to light something of fire to write DDR....(Rhino King, Dnchevyman, Cmyfirepole...oh yeah and me)

6. there was alot of food.

7. stacy is still old school with her camera...it actually uses film!!!!!

8.wingnut didnt get my tag..you whore

9. paulys girl is friendly.....to my wife.... very friendly!

10. Dan slurrs when he is tanked

That was NOT me. I wouldn't do something like that to someones homestead....

Oh...thanks for the welcome and the party!!!!

...and metal chairs don't burn well!!

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Did anyone leave there black leather jacket at my place Saturday night?

Also, Jon (fctryblack84), lost his wallet that night too. I doubt anyone has it, but let me or him know if you come across it or saw it. It had Volcom on it and more than likely there was $160.00 in it that I gave to him to give the sticker guy who lives near him. :xmas_grin: DDR sticker prices just went up! :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:

Did anyone leave there black leather jacket at my place Saturday night?

Also, Jon (fctryblack84), lost his wallet that night too. I doubt anyone has it, but let me or him know if you come across it or saw it. It had Volcom on it and more than likely there was $160.00 in it that I gave to him to give the sticker guy who lives near him. :xmas_grin: DDR sticker prices just went up! :laughoff:

the jacket is my brothers

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