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Tips for minimizing hangover's


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:laughoff: Maybe most have already seen this, but I thought I’d post it anyway..?? :laughoff:

Before you overdo it, here are tips for avoiding or minimizing hangover’s. (Besides not drinking at all…LOL)

Not all booze is the same.. Some are more prone to hangovers, etc.

It is a newspaper article that was ran a few years ago… good advise..



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What I liked about the article was the listing of what booze can cause the worst damage!!

“Some alcohol is worse than others. Brandy, red wine, rum, whisky, white wine, gin and vodka are worst to least in descending order of likelihood to cause hangover. The British Medical Journal did tests that showed drinking bourbon whiskey is twice as likely to cause a hangover than the same amount of vodka. Which isn't to say you can drink unlimited amounts of vodka and not be hung over.”


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in my experiences, gin give you the WORST hang over..............thats why i dont drink it anymore, and it could have also been because i drank one and a half bottles of it one night.....I have also found out that slurpee's work great too, somethin about the sugar in it.....and it's refreshing

Edited by vegas400ex
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