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Hater Families at the Rockpile

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i was camped just south of that little hill all weekend about 100' or so, my kids were riding that all weekend and a small kid about 6years old ramed two of our kids with his quad, i thought it was just a mistake and he was very inexperianced, but it sounds like he did it to others, on monday we were the last camp in that area and that same boy was still riding there, it scares me that peps would let there kid that young ride alone far out of site... :ahhhhh: :woo_hoo:

Do you remember what color or model of quad the liitle kid was riding?

Edited by Big_Gunz_
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i was camped just south of that little hill all weekend about 100' or so, my kids were riding that all weekend and a small kid about 6years old ramed two of our kids with his quad, i thought it was just a mistake and he was very inexperianced, but it sounds like he did it to others, on monday we were the last camp in that area and that same boy was still riding there, it scares me that peps would let there kid that young ride alone far out of site... :ahhhhh: :woo_hoo:

Sounds like maybe the "parents" left him there :ahhhhh:

This is reason #4572052-18457857105757810 why not to have rugrats.

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Stay away from morons like this. They don't care enough to properly raise their kids (BTW the kids are just emulating their parents) so it would stand to reason that they don't care what you think. Identify a$$hats and keep your distance. Just my .02!!!

I agree. There just isn't a Vacine for stupidity!! :DDRrocks: We stay away also, that way I'll keep my mouth shut.

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reason # 45434544-fjfd4543432933 to</U> have kids


they can load the toyhauler for ya....just look out for crayons :D

reason # 45434544-fjfd4543432934 to have kids

When they get older they also check the oil and fuel the toys for ya!!!!

Thanks Jon.

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reason # 45434544-fjfd4543432934 to have kids

When they get older they also check the oil and fuel the toys for ya!!!!

Thanks Jon.

exactly!!! I'm going with the angle to have him load/unload, trailer maintenence, toy maintenence, and black tank dump.....the wife thinks its too much for a 4 yr old :dance:

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exactly!!! I'm going with the angle to have him load/unload, trailer maintenence, toy maintenence, and black tank dump.....the wife thinks its too much for a 4 yr old :blink:

Nah.....gotta set some goals for the little feller!! :dance:

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Several noticed the first group camped at the closest south edge of the rockpile, had kids on quads that anytime a child from another camp rode on the rockpile, their kids would then slam their quads into the child, throw rocks at the child, and tell the child it was their riding spot and too leave.

Anyone here know who that group might have been?

Several of their rigs had DDR stickers on the unloading ramps.

This was over the MLK weekend.

Totally unsupervised by the parents,, or perhaps encouraged.

What tow vehicles did they have. Might help?

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under that new CA law, that is a ticketable offense, with no adult supervision.....and if they were supervising him, and ALLOWING HIM to ram............... :dunno::rockwoot:

I do not understand some of these parents. I was out the week before x-mas, and was making my way back to camp and found a child (could not have been older than 5yo) stuck in the sand just north of banshee hill. I stopped, and found that he was sitting there crying and must have been there for a while. I asked him where his parents were and he said that they were at the trailer, and then I asked him where his trailer was and he pointed north, so I pulled his little 50 out, and he was on his way. Unbelievable! I could not imagine leaving my child unsupervised like that!


:stick_smack: (wheres the ford smilie??)

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Leaving children alone really depends on the child. The 5 y/o in the above story seems bright enough, but this is a sick world and a creep could have easily "helped" the little dude out. :rockwoot: If I see children running amok or more often having the people in the next camp becoming unruly, do what I do, have the wife tell them off. Then if things really start to get out of line I can step in and be a hero. :stick_smack:

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Here Here! my boyfrei.....humm person, neighbor, friend, guy is the same way..... It is nice.

wtf no wonder people think ur nutz :beercheers:

so what ur looking for a date or are you just embarressed about your friend :loser:

quit the game playing :DDRrocks: this isn't the first time u started to call him ur boyfriend and stopped

wait a minute i figured it out you want him but he just wants to be friends smart guy

Edited by dman74
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wtf no wonder people think ur nutz :laughing:

so what ur looking for a date or are you just embarressed about your friend :blury:

quit the game playing :watching: this isn't the first time u started to call him ur boyfriend and stopped

wait a minute i figured it out you want him but he just wants to be friends smart guy

Yeah, maybe your right, and quite possibly your not. But good lord do ya have to be so harsh. :barf: It's an inside joke between him and I that has been cleared up hence the, "My boyfri.......person, neighbor, guy. :dance: We are Best Friends & Neighbors. It is great, til I have a mood swing and hate him. :dunno::slap: then :blury::shots::barf: A visous cycle it is indeed :dunno: I know of very few people that get along as well as we do.

But....................this is totally :dance: so.........back to our Regularly Scheduled Program.

Kids will only behave as Good or Bad as they are being Parented.

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Yeah, maybe your right, and quite possibly your not. But good lord do ya have to be so harsh. :blury: It's an inside joke between him and I that has been cleared up hence the, "My boyfri.......person, neighbor, guy. :dance: We are Best Friends & Neighbors. It is great, til I have a mood swing and hate him. :laughing::dunno: then :shots::dunno::blury: A visous cycle it is indeed :dance: I know of very few people that get along as well as we do.

But....................this is totally :slap: so.........back to our Regularly Scheduled Program.

Kids will only behave as Good or Bad as they are being Parented.

well that worked got ya to explain yourself and it was an entertaining response :watching:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We'll be parking over by there I beleive. I wonder if I'll see the little snots. I should take my wrist rocket and some of then small steel balls I have. :crash::crash::crash:


Keep your eyes peeled. When we left at 2:00pm last Sunday, you couldn't even see the rock pile until you were damn near on it. I thought I was to the left of it coming out and I was actually on the right. There was a huge dust cloud blowing thru the flats. Maybe those little basta**s won't be able to see you! :grin:

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