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grip slipping off...what to do?

Richard Cheese

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I have had good luck w/ the dry method.. as well as the grip it grip glue.. not the little tube thingys.. the more of a liquid glue like hobbiest's use for holding planes together... Stuff holds great.. just gotta be very very very quick with it... sets up stupid fast!

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3m makes the same adhesive they use for post-it notes in a can.

Works great.

Put your thumb over the opposite end of the handelbars, then use compressed air in the grip and slide it on.

Also, make sure it's not a twist throttle grip (larger inside dia) accidently used on the non-twist throttle side of the handlebars.

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I've got those really thick cushy (old man) grips on my tank and I tried the hairspray thing didn't work quite right and some one told me spray paint, I gave a couple of shots of flat black (figured if any leaks out it won't show) and GREAT results havent moved since!!!

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I have a grip on my left handle bar that keeps on slipping off. I have gone through 2 tubes of grip glue, and it doesn't hold

right now, the grip is just on the bar, with no tape or anything else between the grip and the bar.

got any suggestions???

use WD40 spray it in the inside and put them on the bars, let it sit for about 30 minutes, good to go!

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thanks for all the replies people. it is nice to have a group of people so helpful.

I went with ken's colors idea....the spray paint, as I just happened to have flat black that I use for my wrought iron gate around my pool.

I was surprised the i didnt have any "safety wire" laying around the house :laughing::happydrunks:

anyhow, it worked great, and is not slipping off any more. thanks again people!!!you little effen biotches

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I have a grip on my left handle bar that keeps on slipping off. I have gone through 2 tubes of grip glue, and it doesn't hold

right now, the grip is just on the bar, with no tape or anything else between the grip and the bar.

got any suggestions???

Add safety wire. The reason they come off is because you most likely used soap to remove and install the new ones , big race mistake 101. Good luck

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