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Coming from SA to Dumont for the first time.


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I was thinking of making a weekend run to Dumont from St. Anthony. If I come down I'm probably going to tent it for a night or stay at a motel if one is a reasonable distance away. Can any locals hook me up? What are the regs and costs, where to stay...etc. Are there any good hotels nearby? Snowmachines are ok but I gotta get some sand in my crack. :bawl:

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  ISBB said:

There are a couple hotels in Baker bout 30 min away.. dont remember how far pahrump is away but not that far either.. :D As far as costs the usuall $20 weekend pass is required.

I believe their is a dive hotel in Shoshone which is maybe 15 minutes away. Paharump is about 45 mins. but would have a much better class of room than Shoshone or Baker. depending on the wind sleeping in a tent at Dumont is not bad that's how I started. If the wind blows it SUCKS!!! But you can always crawl into the cab of the truck. The area has pit toilets but no running water or other needed items. SA to Dumont is a long haul, are you coming thru Salt Lake and the 15 or looking at coming down the 95 and over to the 93 near tonopah. I believe that would be the fastest way.

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Hey Duneratt! Hows goes the battle? Not to talk you out of Dumont cuz its my favorite spot next to St A but have you considered Little Sahara in Utah? or are they under snow too? Just seems a lot closer for ya and it has a similar comp hill.

Edited by Kevlar
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