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Thirsty Thursday (Henderson)


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  squrlee said:

Dunefreak...the one and only lushaholic El Prezidente :laughoff::laughoff::slap: :headbang: a fine example you set for all of DDR!! :laughing: that's f*ckin right! :freakin_nuts:


yeah but the 24oz G&T was Pauly's. I just tasted it and said..mmmm tasty. He said ahh screw it- I'll make another one, you can have it. I said....okaaaaaaaaaay. :laughoff:

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  dunefreak said:


yeah but the 24oz G&T was Pauly's. I just tasted it and said..mmmm tasty. He said ahh screw it- I'll make another one, you can have it. I said....okaaaaaaaaaay. :laughoff:

24oz G&T is about 8oz shy of being BIG. :laughing: That's my kinda drink though. :freakin_nuts:

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  dunefreak said:

Right on Stacey, Tony and Dave! :laughoff:

Dave it's been a while since we've had a :laughing: together! :laughoff: I almost forgot about you! You're outta the loop! :freakin_nuts: :laughoff: j/k

ya, i feel out of the loop. i just hope that these kids get their act together and go on their own after steph gets out of school. it would be nice if her dumbshit husband could actually take care of his own family. im doing both right now. money seems to evaporate. i had to leave early last night so someone would be home with the baby so she could pick his dumb a$$ up from work. he dont even have a license. douchbag! :slap:

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crazymexeddie posing with the brass monkey :freakin_nuts:





sanddunesaddict the milk-a-holic :laughoff:


ISBB w/ a tasty G&T :D


Who's this chick? Anyone catch her name? I don't know if I have ever seen her around before? :flipoff::laughoff:


dnchevyman lighting Armz' shorts on fire :laughoff: (I forgot about that :slap: :headbang: )

(and no... dnchevyman didn't piss himself, it's some spilled drink after a monkey jumped on him :laughing::idiot: )



DUDE! dnchevyman- what up with your shorts and the drink all over them?? :laughoff:

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  superdave said:

ya, i feel out of the loop. i just hope that these kids get their act together and go on their own after steph gets out of school. it would be nice if her dumbshit husband could actually take care of his own family. im doing both right now. money seems to evaporate. i had to leave early last night so someone would be home with the baby so she could pick his dumb a$$ up from work. he dont even have a license. douchbag! :laughoff:

That sucks, Dave. At least you were able to make it over last night though. :freakin_nuts: Hopefully everything works out soon w/ that situation. :laughing:

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  dunefreak said:

Who's this chick? Anyone catch her name? I don't know if I have ever seen her around before? :laughoff::laughoff:


I'VE SEEN HER BEFORE...... :laughoff: ............WEREN'T YOU GUYS GETTING TIRED OF ME YET???? :laughoff: J/K...I LOVE YOU GUYS.....BUT I FINALLY HAVE A BOYFRIEND...... :bawl:

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  budsponge said:

Hey guys!! Anyone remember me? :dunce: Figured I'd post something since it's at my house this week :D If anyone needs directions you can call me 334-5203........

^^^^^HOLY CRAP!!!! :thumbsdown::shake::flipoff::flipoff::drunk: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

Who's this guy!!!!?????? :slap::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::flipoff:

Remember him?? :laughoff:

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  budsponge said:

Hey guys!! Anyone remember me? :thumbsdown: Figured I'd post something since it's at my house this week :D If anyone needs directions you can call me 334-5203........

You can also PM or call me as well... 283-7411 :D

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  dunefreak said:

^^^^^HOLY CRAP!!!! :thumbsdown::shake::flipoff::flipoff::drunk: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

Who's this guy!!!!?????? :slap::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::laughoff::flipoff:

Remember him?? :laughoff:

Hey Pete, ISBB, PaulyPaul, Eddie, and whoever was up til the weeeeee hours last TT, no 3am TT's anymore!! I certainly cannot handle another Friday like last week :dunce: :slap:

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  squrlee said:

Hey Pete, ISBB, PaulyPaul, Eddie, and whoever was up til the weeeeee hours last TT, no 3am TT's anymore!! I certainly cannot handle another Friday like last week :shake::flipoff:

Why did you quote me? :shocked2:

But yeah....nothing like last Thurs! :flipoff::thumbsdown::drunk:

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  squrlee said:

Didn't mean to...I don't know how the hell to work this thing as of yet. :flipoff: Give the new girl a break! :laughoff: :shocked2:

You have seemed to know how till now. :laughoff: What happened? de de deeee :shocked2: :shocked2: :flipoff::drunk: wwwwwwwwwwhatever :laughoff::shake: You're 12 posts in...you're no longer a newbie! :shocked2: :thumbsdown: Just messin w/ ya! :D

Just so you know...to reply w/o quotes just hit the button at the bottom of the posts......t_reply.gif:laughoff:

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