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Thirsty Thursday (Henderson)


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  desertskyz said:

I really want to go, but you guys go so late. Heck I getting ready for bed at 9:00 - 9:30. I have to get of at 5 am. Shoot if I had Friday off that would be great. I bummed :(

wtf i get up at 4 why can't you make it noone said you have to be the last one standing just come hang till nick gets there and then bail no worries :laughoff::beercheers:

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  dunefreak said:

what's this "WE" talk? Are you gonna make it out this TT, Kirk? :rockwoot::beercheers::laughoff:

he won't make it kirk and i talked about HMS and he didn't make it to that

and yes Kirk that is a challenge to you prove me wrong :beerpint:

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  dunefreak said:

Let's do this! I'll be there about 8 ish. :thumb:

I gotta go get me a funbucket to ease the stomach a little before i start drinkin... Those damn gin and tonics at HMS were brutal on a empty stomach i went from sober to WOOOEFFINHOOOOOO in no time! :D

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  desertskyz said:

Don't be a baby kirk suck it up an show up. If I can anyone can. :P

W T F dog out Kirk and then don't show who's the baby now at least Kirk showed

don't talk it if ya can't back it

and yes skyz your gonna get dogged for awhile on this one :laughoff::thumb::thumb:

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I was in a real crappy mood and did want to be around people. Lame. My heart was not in it. hummmm..... I had to wash my hair and organize my sock draw. And beside Kirk was gonna hit me with a stick :mc_smiley: or kick me :DDRrocks: And Freak thinks I need to be taken away my the men in the white coats. So I passed. I prefer to go when I don't have to work the next day. But, I still think :headbang1:

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  desertskyz said:

I was in a real crappy mood and did want to be around people. Lame. My heart was not in it. hummmm..... I had to wash my hair and organize my sock draw. And beside Kirk was gonna hit me with a stick :mc_smiley: or kick me :headbang1: And Freak thinks I need to be taken away my the men in the white coats. So I passed. I prefer to go when I don't have to work the next day. But, I still think :headbang1:

so in short your saying your a$$ hurts then right? :headbang1:

Sensitive people :headbang1::headbang1:

You missed a good time last night. :headbang1::DDRrocks:

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must have been a freakin big sock drawer to go over them big a** feet. being in the school system I think one of your students could come up with a better excuse. YOU KNOW LIKE MY DOG ATE MY CAR KEYS. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT :headbang1: :mc_smiley:

I got that from one of my students. What? I really did need to wash my hair. Had to "Wash that gray right out of my hair"

Don't be hatin'

I guess it's alittle late for that :DDRrocks::headbang1:

Edited by desertskyz
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