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Thirsty Thursday (Henderson)


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  TACOMAMA said:


OOPS, I meant room for the bike! Sorry dude! :no: You can still cuddle with your boy Pete, cuz you know Taco is ice cold! :flipoff:

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I can just see taco grabbin her pillow and beatin the sh*t outta me in the middle of the night... or pete dropping something on me to shut me up...

Makes me want to go buy that lil 14' toyhauler this weekend to test it out.. :D

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  ISBB said:

I can just see taco grabbin her pillow and beatin the sh*t outta me in the middle of the night... or pete dropping something on me to shut me up...

Makes me want to go buy that lil 14' toyhauler this weekend to test it out.. :D

:thumb: You know it too! Ask sand~snake, budsponge, or PaulyPaul. I DO start throwin sh*t at people if they snore loud enough to wake me up from a drunken coma. :flipoff::no: If I can't sleep in my own toyhauler that I spend lots-o-cash on, I get pissed off. :eatdrink021: Your welcome to sleep in there, but you know what I mean- I hope. :no:

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  dunefreak said:

:thumb: You know it too! Ask sand~snake, budsponge, or PaulyPaul. I DO start throwin sh*t at people if they snore loud enough to wake me up from a drunken coma. :angry2: :no: If I can't sleep in my own toyhauler that I spend lots-o-cash on, I get pissed off. :eatdrink021: Your welcome to sleep in there, but you know what I mean- I hope. :no:

Nothing a pair of vice grips wont fix! :flipoff: ISBB just get him really drunk to where he passes out in a chair and then you can snore all you want. :laughoff:

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  lvnalolife said:

Nothing a pair of vice grips wont fix! :eatdrink021: ISBB just get him really drunk to where he passes out in a chair and then you can snore all you want. :no:

I never get that drunk. I have passed in & out around the fire doing the ol bobble head thing :drunk: - but never have I spent a night outside when I have a nice warm bed waiting for me in the t/h. :laughoff:

Maybe we'll have him sleep w/ you then. We'll get the 2 of you drunk as piss and then get you 2 to snuggle together passed out. :thumb::no::flipoff: :angry2:

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  lvnalolife said:

What if your truck gets stuck?? :no::flipoff:

Is it Thursday yet? Damn I am thirsty already.

:no: No we aren't camping in super soft ville. Pauly isn't picking the spot this time. Just for shits and jiggles I wanna see your truck pull your toyhauler fully loaded through that spot I got stuck in. Smartass. :eatdrink021: I hope you can make it back to town ok w/o runnin out of fuel. :thumb:

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  dunefreak said:

:flipoff: No we aren't camping in super soft ville. Pauly isn't picking the spot this time. Just for shits and jiggles I wanna see your truck pull your toyhauler fully loaded through that spot I got stuck in. Smartass. :no: I hope you can make it back to town ok w/o runnin out of fuel. :thumb:

Ouch, I'll remember that next time you are low on beer and I offer to help. :laughoff: Do you know how much I played in the dunes that weekend? Anyway, I'll pull it thru. Where was it? The only reason you got stuck is cuz you sank "like a rock"! :no:

That was the last one, I swear. :eatdrink021:

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  lvnalolife said:

Ouch, I'll remember that next time you are low on beer and I offer to help. :drunk: Do you know how much I played in the dunes that weekend? Anyway, I'll pull it thru. Where was it? The only reason you got stuck is cuz you sank "like a rock"! :laughoff:

That was the last one, I swear. :eatdrink021:

ouch?????? that wasn't even a low blow. whatever. I still wanna see you pull through that sand. And I don't mean with a 50 mph head start either. This one will be fun to watch. I don't care what kind of truck you have- a 10,000 lb anchor is still an anchor. And BTW, steveo also got stuck too trying to pull it out. Remember he has a FORD too. Then I had to pull HIM out. :thumb: No no no- not a Chevy pullin a Ford. :angry2: OK one more reply and then were changing this back to talkin about thirsty thurs. :no::no: I'm thirsty! :flipoff:

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  crazymexeddie said:

i don't care which BWW's its at either!they all have better service then that PT's pub at horizon! they suck over there! :eatdrink021:

Yeah but i can walk home from PT's if I have to! :no:

Edited by ynot
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  ynot said:

Yeah but i can walk home from PT's if I have to! :no:

:no: yeah no kidding, Terry.

  ISBB said:

How bout we start at bww's then stop at hot rod grill for some wounded dolphins, then hit pt's, then we hit the floor.. :D

umm, we all don't have Friday off like you do! :laughoff::thumb:

OKAY, sounds like a plan! :eatdrink021: :flipoff:

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