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Weekend Pics: GirlWithHorns, Dirt Bikes, and Sand Addiction Photo Shoot


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Girl with Horns tearing up Comp Hill!


My boys Luke and LJ!


Luke up Comp.


LJ at the top of Comp.


A matching set.


The matching little dude.


Charlene from Sand Addiction Mag getting started.


Giving a little "what's up" to the Haters!


Wheelie Big for the camera kids!


Sand Addiction Charlene taking some air shots.


Me taking a little break after only two hours of sleep, a long night of drinking, and jogging up the hill several times! WTF was I thinking?


Markus and I on Sunday having a little fun in the car!


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nice pics...did your rhino get up without paddles?

Yes it does! And with 300 lbs in additions (cage,LT kit,seats,etc.) + (2) adults plus and a 1 year old! :laughing:

Edited by 3rotortrav
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Hey Trav, Sand Addiction Magazine just called and they were wondering if you could bring your old red Ford and big screen setup out to Dumont for another photoshoot. :unsure:


:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: fkin classic! :laughing::laughing::laughoff:

I see he still hasn't fixed that hole!!! Where's midnight for ya? :laughoff:

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Hey Trav, Sand Addiction Magazine just called and they were wondering if you could bring your old red Ford and big screen setup out to Dumont for another photoshoot. :unsure:


:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: fkin classic! :laughing::laughoff::laughoff:

Hey Pete,

That is by far my all-time favorite Photoshop Job! :laughing:

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damn trav!!!!

how in the #@$# did you get the rhino to the top of comp????

Pin It! Wring it's Neck! It actually spends a ton of time up there! Unfortunately it is only running 85 psi in the cylinder (typically 100psi) so it was not even running it's best! It looks like it's time to upgrade the cooling system and replace the melted piston! :laughing:

Edited by 3rotortrav
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