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Safety Epuipment


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Hi I am new here, my mom told me about this site and I thought since you guys are all into quads, buggys, and such, that I would share my story. While this didn't happen at Dumont it still involves a sand rail. I have enjoyed riding my quad and in the rails of my stepdad and his friends for several years. I look forward to riding and camping everytime I visit my mom. I live in Wa State. I came down to visit for Christmas vacation looking forward to another ride somewhere. This time we chose to stay close to home and went to Johnson Valley. We had only been in camp for a couple of hours whenit was time to go for a ride. I opted to ride with one of friends in his rail. He had been driving for many years and I trusted his driving ability. So I just hopped in, strapped in and away we went. Where we head was a dry lake bed cruising along, going a good speed, but not too fast. Somehow we ended up further down the bed then we thought, it was after dark. At the end of the lake bed is a small wash. The next thing I remember is the feeling of flying, then came the impact as we slammed into the side of the wash, I felt a feeling of moving forward, then nothing. I opened my eyes and knew something was wrong, my head was in the dirt and I could see my friend hanging above me. I heard my mom call my name asking if I was ok. I knew I was going to be ok after that. My friend was a differant story. He was in and out of conciousness and was hanging by only the lap belt. It was very scary to see and be a part of that. While my straps held his shoulder straps had not, they broke. I ended up with a head contusion and a shattered ankle. He ended up with a pancake sized blood clot in his brain and a broken knee. He spent almost a month in a coma. While he is out of a coma and is on the slow road back to recovery, I don't know if he'll ever be the same. I know I won't. I have already been back on my quad, went Christmas day not knowing ankle was shattered, was told it was just a sprang by emergency room. I am looking forward to spring break to get back in a rail, I am ready. But I just wanted to remind everyone to check your safety equipment. If we had, my friend's harness would be new and he wouldn't have hit his head. Sometimes you over look things like that. Everyone take care out riding the dunes and be safe.

The Wa State Crew

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1st off, welcome to the site. Glad to have you. :ban-split:

Wow....that's a crazy story. :( So sorry to hear about you and your friend's injuries. I hope he recovers quickly and ok.

As for safety retraints I have replaced my harnesses when they got old on my last rail and I plan on watching the date on my new ones so I don't end up still running them them after the "expiration date".

Retraints will save lives most of the time. The other times it's up to the driver's experience and his/her awareness of the terrain as well as the integity of the vehicle. Don't ever drive above your limits and keep it slow in areas that you haven't traveled before. Expect the worst and you will usually be ok when it comes to unfamiliar territory. :ban-split:

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sorry to hear about that story. another thing to put on your car that is very important if you drive your car in the sand is a roof. if the car rolls in the sand the cage will sink and you could think of what would happen next. i know buddy that found these people 2 guys in a car and the owner let his friend drive and his friend flipped the car(this car being with out a roof). the passenger (owner) was able to escape before the cage sank too much. the driver was not so lucky. just wanted to let everyone know put a roof on it!! :ban-split:

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The harnesses were way out of date and old.

The car had top but shattered when we flipped, but we were on dirt not sand. Definately would not have thought of that. Here are some pictures of broken equipment and car.



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Always check the dates on them before buying (hard to though if you mail order) but i needed a set for my race truck went to a local race shop here in town bought them got them home went to put in and noticed they were dated 2years old already!! :coocoo: so had to take them back..

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  • 2 months later...


Just got word!!

Our friend is finally HOME!! It has been a long, long haul his recovery from TBI.

What a relief! :cry::cry: Those are happy tears!

Crazy man plans on being back to work on Monday. I almost fell over when he called me to tell me he was home.

Michael if you read this before you check your phone, CALL ME!!


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Thank you guys! :thumb:

It has been such an up and down road the whole time. The soon to be ex wife was making it impossible for friends to see him in a reg basis during the recovery. We felt like we were in one of those "Lifetime Movie Network" movies.

First night drs. told us to prepare, it didn't look good. He made it through and was on is way back and then he had a major stroke. Then they put him in an induced coma. They took him off of the drugs and he stayed in the coma for a month. During that time a dr told is wife that he was going to have to relearn everything, if he ever woke up. She took that literally and started baning those individuals who she didn't like. She then took it to the extreme and when he started coming around, was trying to "reprogram" him into a non drinker, non smoker, non extreme sport junkie. She wouldn't let Bob see him and they were best friends. When she realized, that wasn't going to happen, she started draining the bank accnts, and foreclosing his businesses. :pissed::cry:

We had several people who would go to see him :ninja:

I even took Michael too see him when he was here for spring break, because Michael's counseler said it was vital to his recovery that he see him. We were told NO we couldn't go. We went anyway :ninja:

He's still a little slow, but that is to be expected. He's a tough man, he's lost just about evrything he worked so hard for, but he'll be back on top in no time!!

It's just been a crazy, hard time for the three of us since it happened.

Thank you DDR for being here. Michael told be last night that when he first wrote this, it was the first time he was able to talk about it. He remembered everything from the accident. Maybe because he has never met, but a couple of you :cry: But after he posted he was able to talk about it with the counselor. He's aleady been back in a rail again also!

So again, THANK YOU!

:blink: Thearapy, who knew? :think:

Edited by buggychick
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Man thats crazy, Jodi. I'd be furious if some crazy woman was doing that to one of my friends without his control. :think::pissed:

I'm glad we could be here for your son and that this was an outlet for him. DDR.com has really become full of great peeps over the years. :blink:

It's good to hear your friend is recovering and in time I'm sure he will be back to 100%. He seems like a fighter.

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yeah thank you guys.

It was my first step in the recovery process. I just had such a rough time with it and then not being able to see him before I flew back to Wa. Kinda sucked. The school counseler said I had that "survivor complex" Cause I came out pretty ok and we thought he was going to die. I am trucking along now and I know things are going to be better. I can't wait to get down to see him again, its pretty awesome. He was always living life on the edge and didn't let anything slow him down and when I talk to him I am going to remind him that this is just a speed bump in his life. It has taught me to never take a day or anything in life for granted.

I look forward to meeting some of you guys soon. But probably not til Christmas, unless there is another later night ride :pissed:

Thank you again.

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  BudlightBob said:

You keep up that good attitude Michael. :flipoff:

Thank you guys for the concern, it has been tough.


Thank you, I will :D

  lakecitydan said:

You sound so sensitive

I can't imagine why? :laughoff:

Its not being sensitive, its called COMPASSION. Ya should try it sometime. I expected more from you, when strangers who don't know me are being nicer then that.

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